A Surge of Dopamine and Endorphin: Making a Stemsocial design #3

The design you see below was made specifically for the stemsocial community and free to use for any stemsocial based post .

The above illustrations/designs portrays the living nature of science seen through the lenses of the human brain, with colors showcasing yet another beauty of science displayed on a canvas through vibrant colors and 3 dimensionalism and with "stemsocial " as the brainy highlighted headline .

In this illustration science is seen through art and art through science. The human brain is a complex structure with different part and functionality which can be seen as the various color composition highlighted on the virtual canvas.

The above design was manifested through a creative process of font conversion, 3 dimensionalism, the process of going from to 2D to 3D, perspective change, masking, lightening, and the use of a colorful brain stock image. All done and brought to life on pixel lab.

Tools used in creation:

  • Free image from pixabay


  • Pixellab
  • My brain

I basically had alot of fun creating this design . The surge of endorphin while creating it and the rewarding hormone dopamine on finishing it. I enjoyed the process and it felt good, stimulating and rewarding all at the same time.

I hope you enjoyed the artful scientific exhibition?

Thanks for viewing


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