Computer ergonomics, the health risks and tips to follow to ensure a safety use of the computer

Hello everyone, I welcome you all to my blog, this is my first blog in this community and today I would be writing about ergonomics in computing. This is a very important topic we must know in order to stay safe in using the computer.


What do you understand by computer ergonomics?

When we talk about computer ergonomics, it generally entails all the necessary steps taken in order to set up a correct and supportive posture for the use of computers. It is very necessary that we always have a good sitting posture when using the computer in order to protect ourselves from health risks involved in the use of computers.

Let's look at some of the health risks involved in the use of the computer, they include the following;

Blurred vision: This occurs when one usually looks at too much or high brightness screen over a long period of time without taking many breaks. We need to stay away from the screen by giving ourselves some distance between the screen and our eyes so as to prevent this kind of health risk.

Dry eyes: this is also another health risk involved in the use of the computer, and this occurs when we spent so much time on the computer screen that we tend to have less blinking of our eyes. This less blinking of the eyes leads to the production of more tears thereby leading to dryness of the eyes.

Headaches: one might be wondering how these can headache be a result of the use of computers. It happens when one uses the computer for too long in places of poor lighting, poor brightness, and glare on computer screens.

Eyestrain: this occurs when we put our eyes in a situation where it has to be used beyond their affordable manner. What I mean here is that, for example placing the computer at an angle such that one has to move the eye upwards or downwards always when using the computer. When such things happen, we put much stress on the eyes leading to eyestrain.

Neck and Back pain: this is also one of the most health risks a lot of people do face when it comes to the use of the computer. This happens because of bad posture and also bad sitting. We sometimes do not care we place our hands on the mouse, the sitting posture of the chair, etc, and this later hunts us back.


After talking about the health risks involved in the use of computers, let me also take you through some tips to help in curbing these risks.

Correct placement of the monitor: the monitor or the screen must be in level with the eye line so that neck and back pain can be prevented. Also, we must sit about an arm's length closer to the screen or monitor to prevent vision syndrome.

Reduction of the screen glare: it is very necessary and important for us to reduce the brightness of the screen, especially when using the computer at night time. We must always try to adjust the brightness of the screen whenever it is necessary.

Correct keyboard and mouse placement: we must know how to place our keyboard. I should be placed just below the elbow level and must be flat placed on the desk or table. The arms should create a 90-degree angle to the desk. Also, the mouse should be placed similarly such that it is at a 90-degree angle or below that of the desk.

Make sure the necessary objects are always closer to you: objects such as notepads, mobile phones, water bottles, pens, pencils, etc are always available for your perusal.

Avoid using the computers on beds: sometimes we feel so lazy to the extent that we have to lie on our beds to be using our computers. This is a very bad idea in using computers and we should stay away from such practices.

This is where I would end my first post. Thank you all for your time and attention in stopping by my post. If you find my post useful, you can leave a comment, upvote and reblog.

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