Let's Discuss About Back Pain and How to Avoid It

Do you suffer from back pain often or do you know someone who does? The reason why so many of us have back problems is because the human body is designed to support itself. When one area is damaged or weak, other areas in our body are forced to work harder and end up suffering in return.

For example, if your neck hurts when you bend over, your lower back will probably feel soreness as a result. When your lower back suffers from chronic pain, your entire lower half suffers as well. This type of pain can manifest in many different ways. It can be sharp and stabbing like a knife going directly into your guts or it can be insidious and take the form of days-long headaches, muscle spasms, and/or tightness in your chest that prevents you from breathing normally.

The best way to treat any type of pain is with a proven treatment. By using the proper approach, you can greatly reduce the chances of having an accident or developing a chronic condition.



Here are some of the things you can do to treat your back pain effectively:

  • Make sure you're in good physical health by regularly engaging in aerobic activity, stretching, and getting plenty of sleep.

  • Avoid straining your back muscle by sitting with your feet flat on the ground and your back supported by a chair or wall.

  • Apply ice to the area where you're experiencing pain for 30 minutes at a time three times a day.

  • Aloe vera is a natural treatment for any type of pain and inflammation.

  • Caffeine should be avoided as it can cause muscle spasms.

  • If you're drinking alcohol, don't drink while on any pain medications.

  • Don't forget to take your meds as prescribed!

  • Ask your doctor what exercises you can do at home to strengthen your back muscles.

  • reach out to other support groups online

  • Contact a professional sports or physical therapy doctor if you're not feeling 100% after conducting your own self-evaluation.

  • Don't forget to keep your Diet/Nutrition Facts label in mind!

  • Exercises to strengthen your back muscles:

  • Get on your game in the squat and lunge position (keeping your back straight)

  • Hold a deadlift for 30 seconds

  • Take a deep breath in and lower your body slowly for 10 seconds - Repeat for 10 minutes



The good news is that there are several things you can do to make sure that your back doesn't get hurt again when you stand up from a seated position for too long! I will be discussing some potential causes and solutions so that you don't end up suffering in silence once again.

What Causes Back Pain?

Sometimes pain is just a result of old age - and there's no way to avoid it. Muscles lose flexibility and give out after a certain age, and bones can get brittle with age. But most of the time, back pain is the result of a condition. Almost always, it is the result of muscle and/or ligament damage. In many cases, you can determine if your pain is caused by muscle or ligament damage by looking at the pain patterns and treatments of professional athletes.

If the pain is frequent, severe, and/or disabling, it is a good indication that the muscle or ligament is under attack and needs to be treated. Most likely, the muscle or ligaments that are the source of your back pain are the ones responsible for controlling your breathing. These could be your lower back, your sacrum, your low back, your tailbone, or your iliac bones.

(1). https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/conditions/back-pain/

(2). https://www.healthline.com/health/back-pain#treatment

(3). https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22325-back-pain


(5). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/back-pain/symptoms-causes/syc-20369906

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