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What is Blood Dysentery?

Blood dysentery is an infection of the intestine with the bacteria called Shigella. In most cases, this condition is mild and resolves on its own. But in some people, it can become a serious illness with painful complications that may even lead to death. In this article, you will learn about blood dysentery and its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Keep reading to discover more about this condition and what you can do to prevent it.

What is Blood Dysentery?

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Blood dysentery is also called shigellosis or bacillary dysentery. It is an infection of the intestines caused by the bacteria called Shigella. The main symptoms of blood dysentery are abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and blood in the stool. Blood dysentery is not common in the United States. In developing countries, especially where sanitation is poor, blood dysentery is a major cause of illness and death.

Causes of Blood Dysentery:

Blood dysentery is caused by bacteria called Shigella. People get shigellosis by swallowing tiny amounts of stool that have been contaminated with bacteria. In most cases, this condition is mild and resolves on its own. But in some people, it can become a serious illness with painful complications that may even lead to death. Blood dysentery is more likely to occur in people who have weakened immune systems and gastrointestinal diseases such as HIV/AIDS, IBS, appendicitis, and hepatitis. People can also get shigellosis from swimming in contaminated water. The bacteria can spread from the water to the swimmer’s open cuts and skin.

Symptoms of Blood Dysentery:

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The main symptoms of blood dysentery are abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and blood in the stool. Most people who get shigellosis will have mild symptoms, with the exception of children under 5 years who have a high chance of developing severe disease. The most common complication of shigellosis is dehydration. Symptoms of abdominal pain include:

  • Lower abdominal pain – A person may feel a cramping pain in the lower abdomen that lasts for a few hours, or even days. Lower abdominal pain may be mild or intense, but it is not usually severe enough to require hospitalization.

  • Upper abdominal pain – This pain begins in the upper abdomen, or just below the ribs. Upper abdominal pain tends to be constant and may radiate to the right shoulder. Diarrhea is a common symptom of dysentery. Most people with dysentery have watery stools with a small amount of blood (about 2 tablespoons per day). Diarrhea is often severe enough to cause dehydration, especially in young children and older adults. Symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Thirst – People who are dehydrated often have a dry mouth and very little saliva, so they usually have a difficult time swallowing.

  • Fatigue – Mild dehydration may cause fatigue, or extreme tiredness, but severe dehydration can cause a person to pass out.

  • Dry mouth and skin – Usually all the body’s water is used to keep the organs, such as the heart and brain, working properly. When a person is dehydrated, the body pulls water from skin and internal organs. Dry skin and dry mouth are common signs of dehydration.

Treatment for Blood Dysentery:

Shigella infections are treated with antibiotics. Many people with mild cases of blood dysentery will recover without treatment. But those who have moderate to severe symptoms, especially children and people with weakened immune systems, are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are used to treat dysentery because they kill bacteria. The antibiotics most commonly used to treat shigellosis are gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, or azithromycin.


Prevention Tips for Blood Dysentery:

Here are some ways to prevent blood dysentery:

  • Wash hands regularly and thoroughly – The best way to prevent dysentery is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Make sure to scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds so you kill bacteria and viruses on your hands. Remember to wash your hands before eating, after going to the bathroom, and when you have been around people who are sick.
  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze – When you cough or sneeze, you expel tiny droplets of saliva and mucus into the air. Covering your mouth with a tissue or your elbow can help prevent people in the surrounding area from getting sick.
  • Avoid eating or drinking unhygienic food or water – Eat fruits and vegetables that are washed thoroughly and avoid drinking water from unhygienic sources.

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Blood dysentery is an infection of the intestine caused by the bacteria called Shigella. It is more likely to occur in people who have a weakened immune system and gastrointestinal diseases. Symptoms of blood dysentery include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and blood in the stool. The most common complication of the disease is dehydration. The best way to prevent blood dysentery is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. And if you must consume unhygienic food or water, be sure to thoroughly cook it first.

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