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How Deadly is Hepatitis?

I have heard about hepatitis a couple of times, but I have really not paid proper attention to it and everything that surrounds it, but my attention was drawn towards it recently when a lady mentioned, that her dad passed on from hepatitis, and it crossed my mind that, there is so much about this hepatitis that meets the eye.


Hepatitis is liver inflammation, there are different things that can contribute to hepatitis. Like certain medications, viral infections amongst other things, but the main cause of hepatitis is often a result of viral infection. The liver is an extremely important organ in the body, as it is responsible for the removal of toxins from the blood, it is also responsible for the storage of vitamins accompanied by other functions. 1There are five major classes of hepatitis, arranged in their alphabetical order, we have hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. There is an estimate of 354 million people with the hepatitis B and C condition globally.

Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A is a liver infection that is highly contagious, the virus is one of the many available types of hepatitis virus, this virus causes liver inflammation and affects the ability of the liver to function. The symptoms of Hepatitis A could become visible after a few weeks of having the virus and the possible symptoms of the virus come with one or some of these symptoms;

  • Temporary or complete loss of appetite.
  • Joint pain.
  • Dark color of urine.
  • Intense itching of the body.
  • Sudden nausea.
  • Constant vomiting.
  • Abdominal discomfort.
  • Clay or grey color of stool.
  • Fever (but, usually in its low state)

The symptoms accompanied by hepatitis A could either go away briefly after a few weeks or remain persistent and last for months.

Hepatitis A is a result of a virus that infects liver cells and causes inflammation, the inflammation caused can affect the functional ability of the liver. This virus spreads through infected stools even through the most tiny amounts, it gets transferred through the mouth of another person this means, that when food or water is contaminated with infected stool, there is a great possibility of getting the virus. Hepatitis can also be contracted through close contact with those who have the virus. The virus has the ability to stay on a surface for months, but it is not spread through mere casual contact like coughing or sneezing.

The virus, Hepatitis A, can be spread through any of these methods.

  • The consumption of contaminated water.

  • Sexual contact with a person with the virus.

  • Consuming raw shellfish from polluted sewage sources.

  • Consuming a meal prepared by a person who does not wash his hands appropriately after using the toilet.

  • Consuming food that has been washed in contaminated water.

You stand a higher chance of contracting hepatitis A;

  • If you live with someone who has the virus.
  • If you are HIV positive.
  • If you are homeless.
  • If you have any type of recreational drugs.
  • Travelling or working in an area where hepatitis A is common.

You should instantly visit your health care provider if;

  • You notice one or more of the symptoms listed above.

  • You live with someone who has hepatitis A.

  • You had sexual intercourse recently with someone who has hepatitis.

  • You recently eat at a restaurant where there has been a recent outbreak of the virus.


Gladly, hepatitis A can actually be prevented, as a matter of fact, there is a vaccine for hepatitis A, when this vaccine is taken, it prevents infection of the virus. The vaccine comes in two shots, a booster is taken six months later after the first shot has been taken. The combination of the vaccine is often given after three shots taken over six months.

The hepatitis A vaccine is usually recommended for the following categories of people;

  • People who work in the laboratory and may come in contact with hepatitis A.

  • Those who have come in contact with the people who have hepatitis A.

  • Children who are younger than 1 year old.

  • Those who work in countries where there is a large presence of hepatitis A.

  • Those who use recreational drugs, that are not given through injection.

  • Those with chronic liver disease.

  • The vaccine is also available for everyone who simply wants to gain immunity against the virus.

In order to avoid hepatitis A, then;

  • Practise good hygiene.

  • Wash your hands consistently and regularly with soap and water especially after using the toilet.

  • Be sure of your sexual partner and practice safe sex.

  • Consume treated water, and brush your teeth with treated water too.

  • Do not eat raw or undercooked meat or fish.

  • Wash your fruits appropriately with neat water, and ensure that you have peeled them by yourself too. 2

Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is a strong liver condition caused by the hepatitis B virus, in some cases, Hepatitis B infection could become highly chronic, which means it would last for more than a six-month validity period. With a chronic Hepatitis B condition, there is an increased chance of having liver cancer, liver failure, or cirrhosis.

Children pose a more strong possibility of developing hepatitis B, and the signs and symptoms of hepatitis B, are more severe in children as they stand a higher chance of developing a chronic infection, hepatitis B in adults could easily go away even when the signs and symptoms are severe.

Hepatitis B could either be acute or chronic. When the symptoms of hepatitis B last for a longer period of six months, the immune system stands a better chance of taking out acute hepatitis B from the body, after a few months, there should be complete recovery. When the symptoms of hepatitis B however begin to last longer than a six months period, it could be because the body no longer has the ability to fight against the infection.

The symptoms of hepatitis B begin to get evident after one-four month of being infected. The symptoms include;

  • Fever.
  • Dark urine.
  • Absence of appetite.
  • Weakness of the body.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Jaundice (yellow skin and white eyes).

Hepatitis B is a viral infection spread through blood, semen, and other body fluids from one person to another, the virus is not contracted through sneezing or coughing. It can be spread through;

  • Sharing of needles: Hepatitis B can be spread through a contaminated syringe and needle.

  • Health care workers could accidentally contact hepatitis B through needle sticks that have been infected with human blood.

  • Sexual contact: hepatitis B can be spread through unprotected sex with an infected partner.

  • Hepatitis B can be passed from mother to child during childbirth process. However, if the newborn child is quickly vaccinated, the chances are minimized.

Complications of hepatitis B could result in some type of extreme complications like;

  • Cirrhosis: The inflammation of hepatitis B infection could result in a long-term liver scarring which may impair the functional ability of the liver.

  • Liver failure: In this case, the important/vital regions of the liver completely undergo a process of shutting down, in this case, a liver transplant would be required for sustenance of life.

  • Those with the hepatitis B condition may develop kidney disease or blood vessel inflammation.

The best way to prevent hepatitis B occurrence is by taking the vaccine, it is usually an injection given 3-4 times within the space of six months. Hepatitis B vaccine should be given to;

  • Children and adolescents that were not vaccinated at birth.

  • Newborn babies.

  • Health care workers and every other type of work that requires contact with blood.

  • A sexual partner of someone with hepatitis B.

  • Those who have chronic liver disease.

  • Those who have an end-stage of kidney disease.

  • Those who live in mentally disabled centers.

  • Those with multiple sexual partners.

  • Liver cancer: Those with a chronic case of hepatitis B infection, stand a higher chance of developing liver cancer.

The possibility of hepatitis B could be reduced by;

  • Avoiding the use of illegal drugs: The continued intake of illicit drugs by sharing needles could create hepatisis B.

  • Use a new latex condom every time you want to have sex, especially when you do not know the health status of your partner, make use of a good late condom to protect yourself.

  • Be cautious of tattoos and body piercing: Getting a tattoo or piercing should be gotten from a reputable spot, make sure that sterile needles and types of equipment are used.

  • If you are going to a location where hepatitis B is common, take the vaccine in advance.3


Hepatitis regardless of the type has been seen to be a very deadly condition, we have identified the causes of hepatitis A and B as well as the available treatment options, I will definitely write about the other types of hepatisis that exists, but that will be on my next publication, in order to avoid having an overly lengthy post.

For further studies.