RE: Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics - a wild wild world…

Why three?

This is the thing I don't understand 🤣 Why not one that something split into three different versions?

Where is antimatter gone?

Correct me if I'm wrong, now we can produce antimatter, even if it is in very small quantities, it doesn't help to understand if there is still antimatter somewhere, where is it? Or to hunt Dark Matter?

For the last one, an example to better understand: Can't we think of a system using matter and antimatter creating a tunnel for dark matter or a dark matter catcher, like on one side matter and antimatter on the other the both just spaced the necessary distance so that they don't interact (just the size we estimate for the antimatter)? Or a system similar to atom laser cooling but this time using antimatter?

if you understood me you are extremely well skilled! Even me when I read it again, I have a hard time.

I know I think I am a scientist without having the knowledge to do it, but it's so fun that I want my part of it 🤣

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