Many countries in the world have failed to see how beneficial and important harnessing renewable energy is to life. It is very important for sustainable development, making our environment cleaners and serving as an alternative to conventional energy sources.

While many countries are utilizing this energy effectively, some countries due to some unavoidable circumstances have not been able to see the potentiality of renewable energy while others could be as a result of ignorance.

I see no reason why even a third world country should not strive to harness renewable energy even with the knowledge of what non-renewable energy sources can cause to habitats and the environment.


According to source Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in many, many lifetimes.


Using non renewable energy sources has so many disadvantages to our well-being and environment. Below are few:

This is very common among all, it happens but we don't notice. Climate change is caused by non renewable energy such as fossil fuels like coal, natural gas,etc. These fuels when burnt releases greenhouse gasses which contribute to climate changes like global warming, rising sea levels and change in weather conditions.

Also, non-renewable energy can be dangerous to the respiratory system in humans because sources like fossil fuels emit gas such as carbon monoxide. The smoke that is emitted from our generators, bush burning and charcoal burning are very dangerous to health when inhaled.

In addition, activities such as mining of coal, oil drilling contribute to soil erosion and destroy habitats among many others.

Embracing renewal entry is important because it will reduce so many environmental harms, land and air pollution thus promoting a healthy living and national growth.

Below are renewable sources that nations can harness for economic growth and development.

Solar Power: Solar energy utilizes the power of sunlight to generate heat or electricity. According to Britannica The heat may be used directly, or it may be transferred to another medium for storage. Flat-plate collectors are commonly used for solar water heaters and house heating.

Just as we have been taught in Schools, wind energy harnesses kinetic energy to generate electricity. Wind turbines are set in a windy area which get hold of this energy and convert it to electricity.

The most common renewable power technologies include:

Solar (photovoltaic, solar thermal)
Biogas (e.g., landfill gas/wastewater treatment digester gas)
Low-impact hydroelectricity
Emerging technologies - wave and tidal power

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution.

Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels.

Creating economic development and jobs in manufacturing, installation, and more.

By expanding the use of renewable energy, we strive toward a sustainable nation





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