Author: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Matt C

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, continuing with the daily scientific approach in my publications, this time we will share with you a topic of social interest, which is intrinsically related to scientific aspects and that we can understand and improve through the knowledge of the biochemical components present in our body.

In this sense, we will be analyzing the protein behavior of our body and its incidence in the levels of diabetes or obesity in a person.


Diabetes and obesity have become pathologies with great social incidence, to the point that they are being considered as a public health problem, so seeking alternatives to improve our medical condition will always be valuable.

Scientific studies have shown that an increase in body mass index is correlated with an increased level of mortality, so the relationship between adipose tissue levels and the appearance of new diseases is still being evaluated.

Therefore, we must be aware that overweight and obesity are risk factors, since they are the gateway to the onset of type 2 diabetes, also known as mellitus, which is based on a pre-existing genetic basis associated with health complications.

Public domain image. Author: Joenomias

Thus, the relationship between obesity and diabetes gradually increases mortality levels, so that this combination is a time bomb in people's lives, so much so that the World Health Organization, through its statistical data, has established that the combination of these pathologies represents a chronic health problem and quantitative projections show that by 2030 more than 60% of the world population will be overweight or obese, as a result of the continuous sedentary lifestyle we are living.


At a biochemical level it is necessary to understand that protein levels are associated with muscle restoration, however, if we study a little more in detail, we realize that the body's anabolism is responsible for breaking down biomolecules into much smaller substances, in the case of proteins into amino acids essential for life.

So these smaller substances fulfill a storage cycle in the liver and will be responsible for the function of producing energy in the form of glucose when our body requires it or, failing that, for the synthesis of the required amino acids through transamination.

However, beyond the above benefits, a group of researchers associated with the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil has detected that the decrease in protein levels has positive effects on metabolic syndromes such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

In this sense, researchers have been able to detect that the progressive decrease of protein levels gradually improve the clinical conditions of patients, quantitatively it has been established that an intake of 0.8 grams of protein / Kg of body weight is sufficient to obtain similar clinical results in those diets where strong caloric restrictions are established.

Public domain image. Author: AllGo

The best of all is that we do not have to reduce the calories that enter our organism, which is an indication that allows us to start a nutritional plan based on protein reduction and not on caloric reduction that in many occasions generates eating disorders.

Hence, this new dietary foundation will be much friendlier and easier to follow for people with metabolic syndrome, since they will continue with their dietary routine only by varying the protein levels in their daily intake.


The study that has been developed was based on the evaluation of 21 patients with metabolic problems, who were followed for 27 continuous days in relation to their dietary intake, for which they had to be hospitalized in order to fully comply with the suggested procedures.

At this point, we must understand that not all organisms have the same metabolic state, in this sense, it is necessary to calculate the daily caloric requirement, using as a common denominator the basal metabolism, which is nothing more than the energy expenditure of an individual in a state of rest.

In this same way, the diet was carried out on an individualized basis, assuming representative percentage amounts and responding to: 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 30% fat for half of the participants, who would be the control group of the research.

The rest of the participants would be the experimental group, whose basal metabolism was also measured, the only difference being that the amount of carbohydrates supplied was increased to 60% in relation to the control group, fats remained the same and protein levels were reduced by 10%. By default salt intake was constant for both groups, around 2 grams per day.

Public domain image. Author: Hush Naidoo

Consequently, and according to the results of the study, the researchers were able to detect that both groups presented a similar percentage of fat loss, which generated a decrease or loss of weight as a result of the decrease in body fat.

Likewise, it is necessary to highlight that both dietary processes generated a decrease in blood pressure, glycemic levels, weight loss and a reduction in the level of triglycerides and LDL low density lipoprotein, so that beyond playing with the transformation of the biomolecules of our organism, only a reduction in protein levels is enough to obtain the same results as any dietary system or diet based on caloric reduction.


As we have seen in the previous sections, the reduction of protein levels is a good alternative that allows us to obtain a deferential vision of the functioning of our organism, since in a certain way it generates innovative results without the need to comply with rigorous dietary plans based on caloric reduction.

Thus, it represents a new alternative for those patients who are suffering from obesity and consequently from diabetes derived from it.


[1] Víctor Huggo Córdova-Pluma. Obesity and diabetes, interconnected diseases. Artículo: Acceso Online

[2] CARMEN GÓMEZ CANDELA, SAMARA PALMA MILLA. Nutrition and diabetes.Artículo: Acceso Online

[3] Basilio y Colaboradores Protein diet for patients with type 2 diabetes.Artículo: Acceso Online


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