What happens if you approach a Black Hole.

What happens if you approach a Black Hole.


Jeremy Schnittman, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, has created a video about what would happen in two cases, one of which would be a flyby over a black hole and the other what would happen if we fell into one.

The video is about a supermassive black hole with 4.3 million times the mass of our sun, it would be similar to the one located in the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, that supermassive black hole is called Sagittarius A*, this detail It is important because small black holes of up to 30 solar masses or in the impotent case if the earth transformed into a black hole would be extremely dangerous places, well the others too although in the supermassive ones there would still be an opportunity to revive.

If an astronaut decided to descend into that impotent black hole formed by the mass of the Earth, and see what happened to the Earth; As you initially descend everything will seem like a normal fall, the problem will begin when you approach the event horizon, at that moment you will begin to experience the forces of Mara in your body, if you are descending from your feet your feet will begin to feel a greater attraction than his head which is furthest from the black hole.


The astronaut's body will stretch in a process known as Spaghettification and which was first described by physicist Stephen Hawking in his book, A Brief History of Time, and although it may sound nice, it is not fun at all, the astronaut's muscles will stretch. tearing and will end up transforming into an elongated mass of flesh and blood, then its molecules, its atoms, its subatomic particles will break, in the end everything that once gave shape and life to the astronaut will end up uniting into what is within the event horizon.

According to Schnittman, small black holes, those of stellar mass that contain up to about 30 solar masses, have much smaller event horizons and much stronger tidal forces, which can destroy approaching objects before they arrive. to the Horizon.

But what would happen with a supermassive black hole because then we would have a chance, which is what we see in the animation created by Schnittman, the event horizon of the simulated supermassive black hole of 4.3 million solar masses is 25 million kilometers in diameter , if the earth transformed into a black hole would only be 18 mm, trying to reach the event horizon of a small black hole would be like trying to cross the blades of a chopper, you would not survive, but if the chopper were gigantic and had blades worth millions kilometers long, you might have a chance of crossing it.

The astronaut's journey towards the supermassive black hole that we see represented in the video begins at about 640 million kilometers. There the astronaut abandons his companions in the mother ship. In the video, as the astronaut's ship approaches the black hole, we see how reaches speeds increasingly closer to those of light, the brightness of the accretion disk and the stars in the background become amplified in a very similar way to how the pitch of the sound of a racing car approaching us increases.

Along the way the black hole disk, photon rings and the night sky become increasingly distorted and even form multiple images as light passes through the increasingly warped fabric of space-time, in real time. The ship would take only 3 hours to fall to the event horizon, executing almost two full 30-minute orbits along the way, however, to his companions on the mother ship it would seem that the astronaut's ship never reaching its target would be like if it had stopped.

This is because space-time becomes distorted closer and closer to the event horizon, the image of the ship slows down and then appears to freeze just below it, this is why some astronomers originally referred to black holes like frozen stars.

At the event horizon Even space-time itself flows inward at the speed of light, once inside both the ship and space-time rush towards the center of the black hole, a one-dimensional point called the singularity where the laws of physics as we know them stop working, we don't know what's inside.

There is another option, another possible trip that the NASA video also shows us, and that is for the astronaut's ship to orbit near the event horizon, but without crossing it, that is, to do an overflight, and then return to the ship. mother ship, in that case the astronaut's flight would last about 6 hours. Although for his companions on the mother ship it would have been 6 hours and 36 minutes. This is because time passes more slowly near a strong gravitational source and also when moving near it. of the speed of light.

Those 36 extra minutes would only occur if the supermassive black hole did not rotate, but what is normal, and in fact it seems that they all do, is that they rotate and also very quickly and that changes everything. If the astronaut took that trip, only 6 would pass for him. hours, however, for his companions on the mothership it would have been years and more. The faster the supermassive black hole spins, it would be something similar to what we saw in the movie Interstellar.

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