Waves like on earth on Titan.

Waves like on earth on Titan.

The complexity of Saturn's moon is enormous, there are many carbon compounds on Titan, the geology of the compounds of organic matter, organic matter does not mean that it is matter that is the product of living beings, organic matter is that compound that has compounds of carbon and can be a product of geological processes, but organic matter is essential for living beings to develop.

Here on Earth they developed based on mixing that organic matter with water and other elements, but basically water, on Titan it would work to mix it with methane or other types of liquids, in that case the living beings on Titan would be very different from us, no. not only physically but also because of the range of temperatures, imagine a human Titans, for example, one would be completely different from us, but imagine a Titans, if we shook hands with that Titans, his hand would melt, because for them we would be beings of fire because our temperature range is very high, far above their temperature range, for them 160 degrees below zero would be like us, 20 degrees of temperature would be something pleasant.

And if we shake his hand, he would melt his hand and freeze our hands, he would do his heat transfer, something basic, it would be something very curious, we would be incompatible beings, we would each have to be in our specially created suit to be able to interact. , communicating, would be something extraordinarily curious.


If Titan were closer to the Sun we would have a water world, it is like Ganymede, the ice would melt, a dense atmosphere would be created and it would be an oceanic world, there would be no solid surface because the amount of frozen compounds on Titan and Ganymede , both have a huge rocky core below; And what geologists from the MIT Institute of Technology in Massachusetts have now discovered is that the coasts of Titan are eroded by waves, meaning that in those seas the wind also blows and waves form, you could surf.

Now scientists have found indirect and contradictory signs of wave activity on the surface of these large lakes, the MIT team used a different strategy, what they did was first create a model with the shapes of a lake, with the shapes that a lake can have to erode on the land, that is, create a series of possible ways of eroding, then they applied their models to the seas of Titan, to the data that we had collected by the Casini Probe, where the erosion of the coasts.

In short, what they were looking for was the model that fit the type of erosion that Casini discovered in the lakes of Titan and what they discovered, what best fit was the action of the waves, if we could place ourselves on the edge of one From the seas of Titan we could see waves of liquid methane and ethane breaking on the shore, they would be extremely transparent waves with less buoyancy than water.

I don't think it would foam like they do here when there are storms, imagine that it would foam, it would be something spectacular, waves of liquid methane and ethane breaking during a storm in that dense atmosphere of titan with rain perhaps, but it would be curious, waves would be capable of erode the material from which the coast is made and they would be coasts similar to those we see on earth, with their cliffs with their beaches with their rocky areas.

And many of those rocks would be blocks of water ice, the water ice on Titan is abundant, there are entire mountains of water ice, but there it is so cold that the water ice is like rock, it is part of the landscape as it would be here. granite, the researchers say that their results are not definitive, to confirm that there are waves on Titan a probe needs to be sent, although some people tried to suggest that on Titan, the seas were smooth as a mirror, it was the initial idea that existed a few years ago years.

Others said that the roughness on the surface would be another strange thing, but knowing whether Titan's seas host wave activity and other types of activity would be something extraordinary, because it would give us information about the climate of the moon, about the force of the winds, about what that active and complex world that is titan is like.

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