Our precursor of life.

Our precursor of life.

Our beautiful rocky planet has something that none of the other rocky planets have and that without it life would not be possible, a magnetic field, and it not only helps our compasses point north or birds know where to migrate, the The Earth's magnetic field extends millions of kilometers in what we know as the magnetosphere, which is what prevents the sun, which gives us life, from also taking it from us.

The sun is very beautiful, its light allows us to see and keeps us warm, although right now it is getting too much, where I live it is 38 degrees Celsius but it is definitely better than the -270 degrees Celsius we would be at if it were not there So I better stop complaining, as I mentioned it gives us light and heat but it also sends us a lot of bad radiation, the ionizing one that damages the tissue and genetic material.

The sun is basically a nuclear reactor, a fusion reactor the size of the Sun and if it were not for the magnetosphere and the atmosphere of the Earth we would not be alive, the magnetosphere deflects the Sun's radiation and also the cosmic radiation, which is not good either and the It channels through the magnetic field lines towards the poles and the atmosphere finishes the job by absorbing most of the radiation that when it reaches the surface where we live is so little that it allows us to survive.

Curious fact, without the magnetosphere there would be no atmosphere and the solar wind would have carried the entire atmosphere into space as in the case of Mercury and Mars or it would have carried away the light elements that make it habitable such as nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen and it would be hot. and toxic like the atmosphere of Venus, so we understand that life on Earth is possible due to a combination of factors and delicate balances that result in an excellent place to live, super cozy, I give it 10 out of 10.

When the magnetic field is released from the sun, it brings a lot of matter, billions of tons of plasma, particles such as protons and electrons that go on board that magnetic field that shoots into space at very high speeds, this is called ejection. of coronal mass or EMC for friends, the slowest travel at 200 km per second and the fastest at 3,000 km per second, many times they come just after a flash of electromagnetic radiation that we call an eruption or solar flare.

And then a magnetic field is released sending a coronal mass ejection towards the earth, in fact, the active region number AR 3664 that was responsible for the auroras of May 10, but not all coronal mass ejections affect On Earth, the sun has cycles that last 11 years. At this moment it is at solar maximum, which is the moment of greatest activity in its cycle.


This is what the sun looks like during solar minimum, very calm and without spots, and this is what it looks like during solar maximum. The spots indicate active regions and we call those plumes solar prominence.

To understand what a very strong storm like the one that happened in 1859 called the Carrington event can do, we can make a comparison in a simulation of the magnetosphere suffering the blow of a normal geomagnetic storm or in others not so strong, in comparison. with a simulation of the Carrington event, just appreciate the magnitudes.

On that occasion the auroras not only reached Mexico, they were seen as far as Colombia, practically in Ecuador. Luckily at that time we did not depend as much on electricity and telecommunications as we do now, although it did cause fires in telegraph stations, if a storm like that occurred. At present it would leave us incommunicado and without light for a time, it would be an excellent event to raise awareness among humanity.


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