
Even if you aren't keeping military secrets or running a multibillion-dollar corporation, your company is still a tempting target for hackers. You'll need a firewall, which acts as a guard at the entrance to your network, preventing bad people from coming in, all the while allowing your employees to come and go without interruption.

Unbelievably, many firms operate without a firewall or with one that is inadequate for the needs of a business network. Most people don't realize they're incurring a danger because they presume all systems have built-in safeguards. Unfortunately, by the time the deficiency is diagnosed, it is too late.

A firewall is a particular piece of hardware or software that serves as a barrier between your network's computers and various cyber threats. Data is constantly transferred through at breakneck speeds, wholly hidden from the user's view.


You can utilize your firewall to prioritize network traffic. It can, for example, ensure that a Skype call gets all of the resources it needs to ensure excellent video and audio quality. While someone watching YouTube videos simultaneously gets less. Rules can be created to allow specific apps, departments, or even users to prioritize more than others. You may customize the performance of your network to fit your specific business requirements.


A robust firewall actively scans for known viruses, phishing emails, and spam and stops them before they can enter. Its internal threats database is updated regularly, and search patterns are promptly changed. Data is monitored in both directions by business firewalls. When a computer connects, all of the data flowing in and out is checked to verify security. If the test fails, the firewall immediately blocks it and logs the information.


A robust firewall keeps cyber-attacks out while allowing your remote workforce to access your servers with simplicity and security. Remote work arrangements are becoming more popular and necessary, and they frequently necessitate immediate server access. You may configure your firewall to verify users' identities before granting access. And you can set up a virtual private network (VPN) to protect any transmitted data from interception.


Firewalls for businesses allow you to monitor who is doing what and when on your network. Rules can be set up for specific people, devices, and times. You might, for example, enable your staff to access Facebook only during lunch breaks while leaving it unblocked for you and your marketing team. Comprehensive logs are automatically kept and can be utilized to troubleshoot issues. For example, your firewall logs might reveal that a machine on your network connects to a third-world country every night at 3 a.m., which would be worth looking into.


Not sure where to start? I can help you find the right Managed Service Provider to install, configure and manage your business firewall to start protecting your network today. Also, don't wait to start creating those Firewall policies and processes for your organization. Start working on them now. Again if you need help, reach out to me.


Joe "Rhino" Brochin is launching ITSM RHINO in the coming months, it is the pull-no-punches, casual-but-effective resource for renegade IT Pros who want to manage risk and add value through ITSM processes & IT Policy.

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