Robert Putchik's Emotional Wheel

I have created a non-verbal conlang based off Robert Putchik's Emotional Wheel. To honour the inspiration his creation gave me, I have named this conlang Putchaitha. Here's how I made it.

I first drew symbols to represent the most basic emotion from each category, then added onto them to create the more extreme variants, according to Putchik.

I then identified the names of the feelings that the combination of two emotion categories would create and listed them all out. I made the designs for each of these by integrating, in some way, the symbols associated with each complex emotions' respective basic emotions.

Putchaitha is not meant to be used as a language for verbal speaking, nor is it an efficient means of communication; rather, it is a strictly artistic language, meant to be used in visual mediums as a way of enhancing the aesthetic. Putchaitha can be used by anyone from any country - the meanings for each symbol simply need a clear translation. Art is the universal canvas, unrestricted by lingual of cultural barriers; emotions, what we feel, is the brush we paint on it with. By creating an artlang based solely on the sorrows and joys we experience in day to day life, I hope to expand emotional expression in my own tiny little way.

I plan to work more on Putchaitha and I would love any feedback you guys might have, as well as suggestions for how to expand or improve upon it.
The base emotions Putchik outlined

The more complex, combined emotions

3 columns
2 columns
1 column