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Bipolar is an illness - not a hopeless destination

You know what they say, "Living isn't the hardest thing to do but having emotions or feelings in your heart and being unable to describe exactly how you feel or being able to put them in words". These emotions may be pain, bitterness, anger, anxiety, love, etc. Love seems to be the hardest of them all especially when it is not reciprocated or the recipient does not value the love we give as expected. The most painful aspect is that these emotions are not constant, just like the instability in the power supply, so also are emotions.
Kamdilichukwu (not her real name though) was my friend during my secondary school days, and she suffered severely from what a psychologist would describe as Bipolar disorder; a condition that causes an intense change in mood abruptly and in behavior. I only got to know more about this mental condition a few years ago.

Kamdilichukwu, on a normal, was an exciting person to be around, she was fun and sweet during these good days, but at her low moments, she would be sad and depressed for days, sometimes up to a week, speaking to no one and always withdrawn and distant even during conversations. She can also become aggressive during such days, especially at the slightest provocation. Because of her abrupt behavior during such moments, she couldn't have many friends or even kept them. I was the only one who was sticking around her and yet I didn't even understand her or know how to help her.

There were days she would vent out her frustration on me at the slightest provocation, we could go for days without speaking to each other. I sometimes felt she was possessed, at least that's what my Sunday school teacher told me when she was telling us about the story of the man who was possessed by an evil spirit in the Bible, she taught us that people possessed by demons were usually sad, aggressive and cause harm to others. Well, it was only natural for me to compare my friend's case with that of the demon-possessed man in the Bible.

My classmates were concerned about my friendship with her and advised that I stay away from her before I became like her. You know what they say* "Show me your friend and I will tell you, who you are" or probably she would hurt me while I was still friends with her.

Every time she eventually came out of her mood and I tried to ask her what the problem was and why she was behaving the way she did, she would always tell me she could not describe how she felt and that she just didn't feel like interacting with anybody. Hmmm, unfortunately, sometimes if I probe further to enquire and ascertain the cause, she immediately slides back into the previous mood and the circle continues.

My regret back then was that I didn't try to get her the help that she needed instead I withdrew and avoided her, I ended our friendship because I thought she was intolerable and overbearing but this only made matters worse because no one else would want to relate with her. She was constantly sad and depressed. And after a while, I never got to see or hear from her again.

Bipolar disorder especially mood swings may range from depressive low moments to maniac high moments, Most patients of such conditions may experience some of these symptoms which include: mood swings, sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, euphoria, depression, irregular sleeping habit, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, lack of concentration, irregular eating habits, restlessness and weight loss or gain.

Various factors may trigger these symptoms which may include hormones, or premenstrual cycle in females, substance or drug abuse, and stress.

Close attention must be given to any of these symptoms immediately after they occur, visit the doctor or psychologist, and begin a treatment plan which may include: therapy and medications as soon as possible. Bipolar disorder is associated with the mental health of an individual and should be taken seriously.

Bipolar disorder if not handled or treated urgently can have adverse effects on the individuals. Effects such as contemplating and entertaining suicidal thoughts, drug addiction, poor work or school performance, financial challenges, or problems with damaged or failed relationships. etc.

It is normal to have mood swings, at least one can not be too happy or sad for so long but when these emotions become extreme and linger for a longer period, then medical help should be sought. Your mental health is a big deal and should not be taken for granted, always check your mental health and stay healthy. Be an advocate for a healthy mental condition.