Pain Is a Part of Our Life Biologically

Pain is one feeling we run away from, in fact, if it were possible to remove the pain receptors from our body, a lot of people including myself would love it but that is not possible but anyways, moreover, we need pain in our body for so many reasons and in this post, I will discuss pain a little with you. So let's feel the pain.

Pain is a way your body is warning you. This is very common with activities such as touching where touching objects that can hurt or break our skin causes us to feel pain. This is because the body is giving a warning sign through its pain receptor so as not to be damaged. While this particular pain helps identify a harmful stimuli and warning against future occurrence, not all pains serve us as being useful.

In the case of pains like Chronic pain where the cause isn't known even when it lingers for a very long time as a result of damage in the nervous system or any other system in the body. While this can be as a result of damage in the system, chronic pain can also be associated with age where muscle tissues are worn and bones are weak.

Another reason why a person can feel pain if from burnout. This can be from participating in strenuous activities which then burns over time such as in the case of exercise. This is as a result of lactic acid being built up in the muscle causing pain. Pains from burnout can be pretty normal, pain related to a side stitch can be related to conditions although sometimes normal, the pain can be associated with appendicitis.

You might then wonder if people are getting pain from activities that are outdoors, it means you that are indoor cannot suffer any type of pain, well you are wrong. With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, your fingers are going to be telling the pain story as it happens as a result of the compression of the median nerve which sends signals from the wrist to the fingers. While repetitive work is a cause, people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis can also feel this.

I was discussing with a person who lost her limbs to an accident some time back, and she made mention that she still feels pain in the limb region even when it is not there. About 80% of people who had gone through amputation feel some kind of sensation in the missing limb area. While you might have not gone through an amputation, you sure must have bruised your legs before. You will realize that although you are in pain from the injury, adding rubbing alcohol makes it terrible. This is because the bruise exposes the nerve cells under the skin which are responsible for detecting temperature but when they come in contact with rubbing alcohol, their pain threshold is lowered because the body temperature reduces as a result of the alcohol being rubbed and it causes pain.

Another reason for pain in the body is inflammation, and this is associated with the body healing up. While this is possible, diet can also be a factor for inflammation. You see, when you eat excessive fried, refined food as well as take alcohol, it can increase the downside of inflammation. Talking about eating, have you experienced brain freeze
or what we know as ice cream headache? This is a condition known as Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia occurs because the pain receptors in the mouth are associated with the forehead, so when you take the cold ice cream or drink, and you feel that pain, it is because the pain receptor is telling the body there is a change in the blood vessel shape, as the blood vessels in the mouth are relaxed for the mouth warmth but suddenly changes size causing discomfort.

Pain is a complex and sometimes misunderstood sensation. It's not just a signal to avoid harm; it can also be a sign that something in your body needs attention. While it's natural to want to avoid pain, it's often a helpful guide that keeps us from harm. The key is to pay attention to your body, understand the source of your pain, and seek professional help if it becomes chronic or too severe. Remember, pain is a part of being human, so embrace it, learning from it, and use it to make better choices for your health and well-being.


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