The dream or fantasy

Dreams is a known word to everyone, and everyone understands the meaning of the word. This word can be used for different meanings, like goals and aims, but normally the meaning of a dream is the fantasy world of us when we are sleeping.

We have a conscious and subconscious mind. Our conscious minds remain active whenever we are awake, and our subconscious mind always remains active, but after sleeping time, our subconscious mind takes full control of our mind as our conscious mind takes a break during that time. The conscious mind acts based on logic, and all the decisions we make are the result of our conscious mind, which means it is fully controlled by us. But in the case of the unconscious mind, it cannot be controlled directly, and we can't give any instructions to our subconscious mind, but it's the most powerful and can have a significant impact on our lives. And our dreams are controlled by the subconscious mind. So naturally, dreams can't be controlled. But sometimes we can realize that we are dreaming, and sometimes we can take control of dreams, which are known as lucid dreams. I can remember once I was able to control my dream based on what I wanted and what I wanted to think. I can't remember what the dream was exactly, but it was a nightmare for me, and in the middle, I took control and tried to finish the dream in a better place, although it wasn't so satisfying.

Dreams are the result of our thoughts, and in dreams, all the human faces we see are the faces of those humans whom we have seen at least once. Many times we may see some unfamiliar faces, which seem we never see, but those are also seen faces. It's because we can't notice everyone, but our subconscious mind sometimes does. Crowdy places are one of the best examples. In those kinds of places, we see many faces, but we can't actually remember them because those faces are not necessary for our conscious mind. Again, sometimes we can be some kind of weird creature, and it's because of our creative mind or complex thoughts.

Every night, all the human dreams come true, but only 12 percent of people can remember the dream each morning. The 12 % of people can be anyone. Maybe today I am among the 12%, and maybe tomorrow you will be among the 12%. Instead of monitoring the stream in the morning, we can forget about it within a few days or maybe within a few hours as well. Nobody knows exactly how much time we can remember a dream. The best way to remember a dream is to write about it immediately after waking up from sleep; otherwise, there is a very high possibility of forgetting about the dream. (The information related to 12% was read by me in a newspaper long ago.).

Dreams are dreams, and it's not necessary to follow the logic. Most of the dreams that are seen at night have many illogical incidents, and in the logical sense, those are impossible, but in the time of dreaming, we feel everything is logical, and we can't act based on our logical mind as we can't control our subconscious mind.

Do you think there is any difference between dreams and reality? I have thought about it many times, and some after that, I realized there is no difference between a dream and reality until the dream is broken. After waking up, we can realize that it was a dream, but the feeling we feel in the dream is 100% real. The best example of this is a nightmare. After each nightmare, I became afraid, and after waking up, I always tried to console myself, saying that it was a dream, but to overcome the effects of the nightmare, I needed a good amount of time. It means I knew I was dreaming, but accepting the truth was not so easy because, until my dreaming time, the dream was the reality for me, and the feeling was 100% genuine.

In my case, dreams are very natural, and I usually forget about most of them. I have never seen such dreams where people say that they can see the future. I can remember some of my dreams, but I can't share them here because they're too personal 🙃. But one thing changed about my dreams. In the past, I used to see a lot of horror dreams, but now I can't remember if I have seen such dreams in the last few years.


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