An insight on Aiden fruit and its medicinal value


Aiden fruit is a very wonderful fruit found in west Africa. It is a fruit that has a very unique feature. It is medicinal in nature which makes it more outstanding among all other fruits.

I will like to start by telling you guys the name of this fruit in different dialect for easy understanding.

In English language it is called Aiden fruit.
Coming to Nigeria where I come from, Aiden fruits are being named differently depending on the part which you are coming from.

In Igbo we call it oshosho. In Yoruba it is being called aridan. In hausa it is called dawo

If you go to Ghana were this fruit are found more abundantly, they are being called prekese.
This fruit are very difficult to see in some countries.
The country where they are being found mainly are somewhere like Israel, Ghana and Nigeria.

Aiden fruit are like every other fruit but highly medicinal. It is a leguminous multipurpose tree from a family called fabaceae. It grows to a height limit of 25-30m with a girth of 1.5-3m. it is a deciduous plant found mainly in the low land of tropical africa. It is made up of two parts which are the seed and the bark. Its bark is usually hard when dry and demands a little effort to extract the seed out from it shell.

This fruit are medicinal and nutritional in nature. It cures a lot of ailment and can also be use as food for nursing mothers to eliminate postpartum contraction.
This fruit also has a strong antimicrobial function and as well a good anticonvulsant therapy.

Aiden fruit When looking at it can be scary due to its twisting shape and nature. It has a horny like smelling bark and are usually hard to separate. But trust me, it is a fruit that has a lot of positive effect to our body.

Getting to know all this description about this so called fruit,I think it will be more better to digress more on this fruit, to know more about its medicinal value and how it can be of use.

Let's go👇

Like is said, Aiden fruit is a very special fruit that has a special function. It is a fruit made up of phytochemical constituent which plays an important role in our body. These includes flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and many others.


Flavonoids are plant compound. It is a substance with a good number of health benefit. It has an anti inflammatory effect and protect your body cells from oxidative damage. This plant substance prevents the body from certain diseases due to its antioxidant nature.
It helps to protect us from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases that may be detrimental to our health.


This is also a very important compound. Among every other compound, alkaloid is considered to be in the list of the very special one. It is similar in function when compared with flavonoids.
Alkaloid are derived from amino acids which plays an important role in human body. It is mostly found in our food and the drinks we take, and can also be regarded as drug stimulant.


Saponins is a very important compound with a wonderful unique features. It is a naturally occurring compound found in soybeans, yam, grains and peas.
Saponins has a lot of medicinal value which includes reduction in cholesterol level. It also help to stop bacteria causing organisms. This plant compound helps to inhibit the growth of tumor and prevent you from developing heart related issues.

One important feature about saponins is its ability to boost our immune system by stimulating the production of T cells antibody.


It is known as the lagest and one of the diverse group of plant. It contains an essential oil and found mainly in cannabis, tea and thyme.
Terpenoids is an anti protozoa, anti cancer and antioxidant. It also has the ability to ward off pathogens and predators.

antimicrobial activities of Aiden fruit

Aiden fruit act as an antimicrobial agents by destroying the cell integrity and the cell membrane of a bacteria. It does this through degeneration of the vital proteins that helps the survival of the bacteria. Decrease in adenosine triphosphate and deoxyribonucleic acid creates a hole in the cell thereby causing sudden leakage of the cell wall.

Aiden fruit is also important in disrupting the respiratory mechanism of the bacteria cell by inhibiting the bacteria through embden-meyerhof pathway and hexose monophosphate pathway.
The root of this plant also has high antimicrobial activities against gram positive and gram negative organism.

Knowing the important of this fruit and how it can benefit you will as well help you in so many ways.

In the part of Nigeria where I come from, the way we prepare this fruit for consumption may not be the same with other parts of the world.
In our side depending on the ailment the person is suffering from has a unique way of its preparation. I will be discussing on three methods on how we can prepare this fruit.

For cholesterol reduction

Grind four pieces of prekese seed, five limes and negro pepper. Boil together with about 2.5 liters of water and allow to cool down.
Drink every morning to reduce the number of bad cholesterol.

to boost immune system

Grind the Aiden fruit and put it in a thermoplastic bowl. Add warm water and allow to stay overnight. Then take one cup of it daily.

for flat tummy

Boil Aiden fruit with a 10 glass cup of water for 30 minutes. Allow to cool down.
Then take one cup in the morning and one at night for five days.

in conclusion

Aiden fruit is a very special fruit that has a lot of functions. It is nutritional and as well very medicinal. It is a fruit every one would like to take due to its positive effect in our body and how it helps in treating so many ailments.

Thanks for reading
¶Therapeutic and Medicinal Uses of Terpenes
¶What Are the Health Benefits of Saponins
¶Alkaloids - Their Importance in Nature and for Human Life
¶How to use Aidan fruit for Flat tummy, immune booster, weight loss
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