The Heart and Blood Pressure.

On more than a single occasion, we have heard about cases of increased blood pressure leading to complications and other health issues, the questions that require answers are;

  • How does blood pressure happen?
  • How does it result in a complicated situation?
  • What can be done to reduce its complications/side effects?

The heart is responsible for the supply of blood to the organ and the tissues of the body, pumping blood as well into the large blood vessels of the circulatory system is as well the function of the heart, with the movement of the blood around the body, pressure is then placed on the walls of the vessels. Blood pressure is often measured by an expert and when the result is too high, there is a diagnosis of high blood pressure and when there is an opposite diagnosis, the blood pressure is said to be low. Normally, most cases of high blood pressure would go unnoticed but that is not when it is too high as it can give symptoms like inability to see and drowsy feeling. In rare cases, however, the high-pressure cases would then increase the chances of possible cardiovascular problems like heart attack, kidney failure, and even stroke.

In basic terms, blood pressure is a force placed by the blood against the arteries, through the process of the heart pump, blood is forced out through the arteries that carry blood all through the body, these arteries would continue to reduce in size until they become very tiny vessels known as capillaries. At the level of capillary, nutrients and oxygen are then released from the blood and delivered into the organs.

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Blood pressure can be split into two;
Systolic blood pressure: This is the blood pressure inside the arteries when the blood is pumping, when the heart is in its resting phase, the pressure inside the heart is diastolic pressure. With healthy and dilated arteries, it is easy for blood flows to get into the heart without hard work, but when the arteries are stiff and extremely narrow, it gives room for a rise in blood pressure as the heart gets extremely overworked, the possibility of the arteries getting damaged is also present in this case.

Diastolic blood pressure: This is pressure upon the blood vessel once there is a relaxation on the heart muscle. The diastolic pressure is usually, not as high as the systolic blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured with millimeters of mercury(mmHg), and the result of the test is usually given in pairs, with the upper (systolic value) coming first while the (diastolic) lower comes second.

Blood pressure is known to fluctuate from time to time, hence, the need to carry out the test more than once to ascertain the major data to be held on to, but stress, pain, and extremely hot or cold environments can also cause drastic and immediate changes in the body. To get an adequate and reliable result, blood pressure should be conducted several days while working. It is measured with an instrument called a sphygmomanometer, with this procedure;
In the first instance, a cuff is placed around the arm of the patient and inflated with a pump until the circulation is removed.
In the second stage, a mall valve is used to gradually deflate the cu
The doctor then makes use of a stethoscope, placed over the arm to listen to the sound of blood pulsing through the arteries.

The first sound of rushing blood is used to term the presence of systolic blood pressure, once the sound declines, the second number would then indicate the presence of diastolic pressure.

While taking a blood pressure test, the readings can be affected by one of these reasons;

  • Recent physical activity, as simple as a movement.
  • Full bladder.
  • Smoking.
  • Coffee.
  • Emotions.

Age is a strong factor affecting blood pressure, the readings for children are lower than for adults, under normal circumstances, although the measurement for older teenagers and adults are very similar. Surely after a test, the next thing is to get a result, these are the interpretations of your high blood pressure result.

It is normal if it reads lower than 120.

A case of high blood pressure without any risk factor is reading 140.

High blood pressure with other chances of health risk would read at 130.

In a situation where the test result shows 180, it signifies a dangerous problem and an expert has to be seen instantly.

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, your healthcare provider will recommend these lifestyle changes that will help you become better;

  • Regular exercise, staying active, and keeping fit would help out a lot especially help manage weight.

  • Ensure healthy meals.

  • Reduce the quantity of salt in your meals.

  • Watch your alcohol intake.

Complications from unbalanced blood pressure.

  • Aneurysm.
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Damaged arteries.
  • Heart failure.
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Kidney scarring/failure.
  • Chest pain.
  • Blindness and chest pain.

The test procedure would often take nothing special away from you, but there could just be a little discomfort from the piercing which would disappear.


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