Katharina Schroth’s and Her Scoliosis Journey

For today's post, I have to go back in time. Far back as before the 2000s or even before I was born (Like you heard me right, before I was born because i wasn't born in the 1800s and i am sure non of you reading this was born at then time but if you were born then with evidence, then I really need you to come give me the science formulae that has been coming you alive).

Back to the post and back to the year 1894 with the story of Katharina Schroth who was born in Germany with a case of moderate scoliosis (the abnormal bending of the spine) which I must tell you that it is easy to diagnose but not the easiest thing to correct. While modern methods of braces have been created to slow down the progression of the condition but not a complete cure.


Fast forward to 1910 when she was 18 years old, she had undergone the steel brace operation which could have been a good idea theoretically but not a viable one completely in practical. The brace is expected to work as a metal that will push the bulged part of the spine back to meet itself. It is believed that since the spine is straight, putting pressure in the opposite direction on bent spine could help straighten it back.

This is always not the same in actuality as the twisting and elongating of the spine isn't fixed by that and it can even weakens the muscles of the core as this procedure only deal with the symptom and not the root cause of the problem. She wasn't getting results and wanted one so she decided to use the technique of breathing.


She believed that just like a balloon increases and decreases moving things around, so does the lungs work. She was going to stay in front of a mirror bending and twisting in directions that allow one lung to receive more air than the other. The aim was to correct the curvature by focusing on breathing were one lung is able to push the spine for her as she believed. Interesting enough, in 5 years, she had cured her Scoliosis.

She decided to start the Schroth method and started teaching others about the method. They used tools and bars to help people and a mirror to check results. Professors from the science world criticized the method as its founder didn't have any science background and the accuracy of the result were doubted. Her daughter Christa Schroth was also helpful and in the 1950s they began to get recognition. Till date, her treatment which emphasized posture, breathing, and muscle strengthening, aiming to counteract the spinal curvature is still being used.

Katharina Schroth’s story is a testament to the power of innovation and determination. Her journey from a frustrated patient to a pioneering physiotherapist has had a lasting impact on scoliosis treatment. Despite initial skepticism, her method has stood the test of time and continues to provide hope and healing to those affected by scoliosis.



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