Different stages and types hearing loss disabilities.

An individual could be classified as having communication disorder when there is an impairment in the ability to receive, send, process, and comprehend communications whether it is verbal, nonverbal, or graphical. The disorder becomes clear when it is associated with hearing, speech, or language, it is a case that could range from being mild to getting severe.

The presence of a hearing disorder can limit development, comprehension, and production. These disorders are classified based on the ability to detect, recognize, comprehend, discriminate, and have a perception of auditory information. In general terms, when an individual has a hearing impairment, the situation could be described as DEAFNESS or HARD OF HEARING.


Let me describe each of them as briefly as I can;
Deafness refers to a hearing disorder that limits the communication or aural of an individual, this is to the extent that the primary sensory input for communication may be more than the auditory channel.

Hard of hearing on the other hand is also a hearing disorder, which could either be permanent or fluctuating, adversely an individual's ability to communicate is affected, relying on the auditory channel as the primary sensory input for communication.
According to WHO, about 360 million people have been identified to have disabling hearing loss, this is over 5 % of the world's total population, with most of the problem falling heavily within the low and middle-income earning countries.

The degree of hearing loss is in different stages;

At the mild stage, the affected patient may hear some speech sounds, but when the sounds are soft, they are difficult to hear. A person with moderate hearing loss may not hear any speech at all when another person is speaking at a normal level.

In the case of severe hearing loss, the affected person will hear no speech at all when the sound is coming off at a normal level, sounds are only heard when sound is loud. When there is a profound hearing loss, no speech at all will be hard, except the sounds are extremely loud.


Age factor is not a classification for hearing loss as it can happen to anyone of any age at any point in time. The three basic categories of hearing loss are; sensorineural, conductive, and mixed hearing loss.

  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss: This hearing loss happens when the actual hearing nerve or inner ear gets damaged, it is the most common type amongst other existing hearing loss. This loss is usually more common when some of the hair cells existing within the cochlea get damaged.

Exposure to loud noise, injury, aging, diseases, some form of drugs, and other inherited conditions are reasons that could cause sensorial hearing loss, and it is often not a medically or surgically treatable case, but hearing aids help out a lot.

This type of hearing loss can happen suddenly, sometimes within just the course of a few days, it is highly important to visit an otologist immediately, a delay in treating this condition will only increase the possibility of complications.

  • Conductive Hearing Loss: This is another type of hearing loss that affects the outer and middle ear, where sound waves are often unable to move sounds successfully into the inner ear. The cause of the blockage could be due to the presence of a foreign object located in the ear canal, or earwax, the middle ear space may also be filled with fluid, infection, or bone abnormality, and the possibility of the eardrum being injured is also very possible.

  • Mixed Hearing Loss: This form of hearing loss is a combination of the previously mentioned ones, there could be a sensorineural hearing loss which could then develop into a complicated form.

To figure out the exact type of hearing loss, a test is required and with this, the appropriate solution will be provided. Hearing aids in different sizes, and styles are usually recommended with several available alternatives too.

Some people grow up to pick up these hearing loss problems as they advance in age, caused as a result of; head injury, infection, extreme loud noises, illness, infection, some medications, and some circulatory problems.

Some types of hearing loss are preventable, but some people develop this problem as they get older, noise is the most common type of hearing loss. It is particularly important to avoid loud noises, but in a case where it cannot be avoided, protect your ears by using haring protections, always reducing sound volume while listening to music, and carrying out regular exercises that will help prevent health issues that could eventually cause hearing problems, stop smoking, and do not insert anything into your ear canal.







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