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Winner's effect and raising children

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The researchers noticed that the victorious animal in a struggle for supremacy, usually wins in the rest of the following struggles, and they explained that victory helps the animal to secrete more testosterone, so its fierceness increases, and then the chances of winning increase.

The opposite happens with the defeated, as the hormone "cortisol" rises, so he trembles in fear, and avoids any risk.

Another research showed that the issue is not only hormones, but that the constant excitation of a group of neurons is the real reason behind the persistence trait, and it is behind the phenomenon of the "winner effect".

And what is the benefit to us from in raising our children?

First, try to strive your children achieve an early victory or win in their lives: an athlete win, an exam, a competition, a science club, any gain that will push forward.. Take the matter seriously.

Second, if your son fails in any way, you must quickly help him achieve small victories in other places until he regains his confidence, do not neglect that.

This talk also applies to us as adults, and we have to start by achieving very small goals in order to increase our confidence and ability to achieve larger goals.