The Existence Of God And What Science Says


The concept of God has been and is still a controversial and subjective topic and it's sometimes frowned upon by some when raised, as it goes against their religious beliefs - especially the Christians and Muslims. As a matter of fact, there's no physical proof of the existence of God except the so called "holy books" and there are numerous holy books with different descriptions of God and doctrines, no one really knows if any of these books were really inspired by godly entities as claimed or if they were products of people's imagination. At some point, somethings contained in these holy books seems to make sense and at some other point they seem not to make sense - especially those that seems to contradict what science says.

Science on the other hand neither supports nor opposes the existence of God, some scientific views suggests godly entities can exist while some other views suggests otherwise (God cannot exist) and this solely depends on what God is defined to be or the qualities this God is supposed to possess. Because there's no physical proof of God, it is impossible to pin down exactly what qualities God must possess and believe me brethren, some of the attributes normally attributed to God actually contradicts/opposes the existence of God as we shall see later in this article.

Apart from the holy books, there are certain physical observations and logical arguments that seems to support the existence of God and they are discussed below.

i. When we look at how the universe is designed, everything (from atomic to cosmological scale) appears to be so sensible that it couldn't have happened by chance, just like radios, airplanes, computers, robots, e.t.c didn't come into existence by chance but by us - intelligent beings, the universe too must have come into how it is by an all powerful being which is supposed to be far more intelligent than we are - considering the complexity and vastness of the entire universe. Our planet is placed at the right point in the entire vast universe to support life and also our planet possesses the right attributes to support life and our daily activities.

ii. Till today, nobody including science cannot explain how life/consciousness originally began, it is believed that the first form of life was a self replicating molecule - like the RNA (ribonucleic acid), but how this self replicating molecule came into existence is a very big mystery in science, numerous attempts have been made in labs to produce such molecules from raw inorganic chemicals but all attempts has been unsuccessful. Also considering how very complex an RNA strand is, it's perplexing to believe that such thing could have come into existence by chance or on it's own, it is like having a very very complex computer program/software just pop into existence from nothing, even the simplest computer programs have programmers, let alone a complex one. If an RNA is more complex than our most sophisticated computer program, then a programmer far more intelligent than us must have designed it.

iii. The universe is believed to have began with a big bang and there's indirect evidence of it - see Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, some religious persons especially Christian's are quick to dismiss the idea, as it is not contained in their holy books and does not support the existence of God as the creator of the universe but they fail to realize that the big bang theory does not say what caused the big bang. At the beginning, before the big bang, the universe we observe today was originally a point with infinite density and temperature, this point had the option of remaining that way for eternity but for some unknown reason it decided to expand (the bang) and evolve to form this vast well designed universe. Couldn't it be that God pressed the blue button and the point went "bang", and with some godly tricks the universe as it is today was born.

This and many other phenomena that science can't explain seems to point to God's hand. But on another hand, there are observations and logical arguments that seems to oppose the existence of God, as we now see.

i. If God is omnipotent (most powerful) and omnibenevolent (absolute good guy) then why should evil and suffering exist in his creation, he has the power to create an absolutely good and suffering free world, why then allow evil and suffering. Some religions justifies this by bringing into account "free will" and "the devil", we shall see later that these concepts also contradicts the existence of God. According to some religions also, God had angels (beings like him but lesser in power), why then proceed to create weaker and vulnerable beings like man ?, thus resulting to an imperfect creation. Was it for entertainment or what ?

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ii. If God is omniscience ( knows everything), then nothing he has created has freewill, you can only know what you have designed or what you intend to design. If i know in details and precisely how an event is going to play out as a creator, then i set it that way, this means i haven't given my creation free will. Giving my creation free will implies not knowing what my creation intends doing next, they are the ones to decide it. If i don't know what my creation is going to do next, then I don't know everything, since knowing what they would do next is part of knowing everything - though i might know other things.


Quantum physics seems to suggest that an omniscience God cannot exist, no being however powerful can predict the future outcome of a quantum event - it's inherently nondeterministic, God himself is subjected to the quantum mechanical principles and it can be testified from a statement once stated Albert Einstein in a letter to fellow physicist Max Born (the first person to show the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics)

You believe in the God who plays dice, and I in complete law and order in a world which I, in a wildly speculative way, am trying to capture.

Classical physics on the other hand suggests that an omniscience God can exist, since we humans can predict future outcomes using equations, but then there's no free will and it's because the equations have solutions with a fixed pattern which must have been placed that way by someone, say God.

In Christianity it is claimed that an angel originally called Lucifer eventually became bad and became the king of evil, thus unleashing evil and suffering to the world. Well, if God were to be omniscience, then he would have known that the Lucifer he would create and which he eventually created would become bad. Now let's assume he knew, during the course of creating Lucifer he had the power to eliminate anything or path that would lead Lucifer to becoming bad but he still went ahead and put it, this implies he did it intentionally and for a well designed purpose, this contradicts giving Lucifer free will (power to choose between good and evil), likewise if he places things that would make Lucifer still be good, the fact is that he already knows/has predetermined the eventual fate of what he has created and for that, nothing has free will (power to do what they like). If truly he had given everyone free will including Lucifer, then he must have sacrificed his omniscience attribute - he would no longer know everything and not know if Lucifer would become good or bad eventually, it has to go either way. One consequence of not knowing everything is that you are now prone to mistakes - God is now not much different from man.

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iii. If God is omnipotent (most powerful), can he create something more powerful than he is ?
Well, if your answer is yes, then at one view he is not omnipotent, since something more powerful than him can exist and if your answer is no, then he is not omnipotent, as being most powerful requires creating anything, including something more powerful than him.

iv. Why is there life in only one planet, out of the multitude of planets in the universe ? Or why create other planets - poor universe design for an all powerful God. If there are other life forms in other planets, why isn't it recorded in the holy books.

This and many others seems to oppose the existence of God and if you look closely, the so called godly qualities seems to contradict the existence of God, this on another hand begs the question of what God actually is, what are the true qualities of a God ?

Like we said previously, there's no physical proof of God and so defining God is difficult. Some would say God is undefinable but saying God is undefinable is like saying God does not exist objectively. If God's existence is to be proven then it would require something far beyond science, religion or whatever we are currently using in search of the existence of this God.

Have a thoughtful day and see you next time.

For further reading


Existence of God


Big Bang

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @juecoree, @discovery-it and the @OCD team for your valuable supports.

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