Keep the Consistency going in that your Health Routine

One of the things we know so much that we need to pay attention to but at the end of the day, we pay little attention to is our health. So many we have learnt, heard, and read about our health but at the end of the day it still baffles me why the majority of us, our health is still not in good shape. I begin to realise why. We fail to practice what we heard or even if we start practising, we lack the consistency to keep it going and at the end of the day, we start complaining the result is not coming

In one of my last posts, I was describing the need for exercise for our body and the need for why we need to pay careful attention to it. I also mentioned several forms in which we can exercise our body but trust me, we might start the routine but keeping it going has been an issue. You will see some started the exercise routine in just a few days or weeks and they are already tired. Some started it with only desire but lack the determination to keep it going. For the majority of us, why our health is still suffering even after receiving several precautions, and tips is because we don't follow it. Yes even if we follow it, we are not consistent in it. One thing I have come to discover about our health or let me say our body system generally is that it needs something called consistency to keep it going.


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Just as we consistently eat daily to sustain our living, we consistently drink water to stay hydrated daily and to keep living. We breathe daily i.e. we take in oxygen and release our carbon daily to maintain our living. Every of our body system or organ requires consistency to keep it going. If your body lacks consistency in some operational works it carries out, it might turn out that at the end of the day, there will be a deficit. Sorry that I digress a bit about where I am going but I am trying to paint a picture of why you need to stay consistent with that medical routine you are into. Yes there are some cases whereby you might not see the result immediately sometimes and you might see it immediately in some scenarios but in whatever cases, you just need to be consistent.

Take for example people who always work out to reduce their weight. I mean those obese people, always keep it going in the gym even though there might not be noticeable results in their body at first in the first few days or even weeks in some cases. But it is their desire, determination coupled with consistency that always keeps them going irrespective of it and when they look back after a few months, the result is there to prove to them that they were not wasting their time all this while. Probably you are facing one health issue and you went to see your doctor, he gave you some medical tips and a daily routine for you to carry out. Or even probably gave you some drugs to use. You started using those drugs and it seems in those few days, you are not seeing the result and you feel like giving up on that routine. I am just here to admonish you not to give up. Yes, keep the health routine going.

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You might be eating certain kinds of fruit now and it seems it's not showing. I mean the result is not showing now in your body or in that particular health issue it is meant to solve and you are about to give up, no don't give up yet. Your health needs consistency to keep it going and maintained. In the same way, you need to apply consistency in sustaining your life, you will agree with me that your health needs consistency to also keep going. Don't stop engaging yourself in that what you are doing that will help your health. You might not be seeing the result now but that's not enough reason to stop.

The work has already started in your body system, it might not just show now but it is already working in you. The mistake you will make is to stop when you are close to producing results. I am here to challenge you. Keep eating that fruit, keep drinking that particular water, keep practising that eating diet, keep going to the gym, keep abstaining from what might endanger your health and keep the Consistency going. It is just a matter of time before you start seeing results I must tell you this.


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