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The best Roman Ruins in Europe? (En-Es) 🚩🌏🧠

Hello again, I went through this super community to leave another personal investigation in one of the best Roman ruins in Europe, actually the Roman ruins of "Conimbriga" are the best preserved and most elaborate in Portugal, during the year it receives more than 30 thousand visits It is the patrimony of the Portuguese country and the most studied in the country! During my visit I want to see what makes it so interesting, let's start with the fact that before it was inhabited by the Romans, some Iron Age civilizations had already been established, possibly some Arab population! You already know me, I am a fan of Roman history and again with my post we will learn more about one of the most advanced civilizations of all time!πŸ‘³β€β™€οΈπŸ‘³β€β™‚οΈπŸ€΄πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Hola nuevamente me paso por esta super comunidad para dejar otra investigacion personal en una de las mejores ruinas Romanas de europa, en realidad las ruinas romanas de "Conimbriga" son las mejores conservadas y mas elaboradas de Portugal, durante el aΓ±o recibe mas de 30mil visitas, es patrimonio del pais luso y la mas estudiada del pais! en mi visita quiero ver que la hace tan interesante, comencemos con que antes de ser habitada por los Romanos ya se habian establecido algunas civilizaciones de la edad de Hierro posiblemente alguna poblacion Arabe! ya me conoces soy fanatico de la historia romana y nuevamente con mi post aprenderemos mas de una de las civilizaciones mas avanzada de todos los tiempos!πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈπŸ§­πŸ°


The best preserved in Europe?🧠/ La mejor conservada de europa?🌏


The Turdulos oppidanos was a pre-Romanesque population that inhabited many areas of the Iberian Peninsula, there is very little information about them since the archaeological records are too scarce and they are normally excavated in very poor conditions, however there are records in Conimbriga that this population inhabited. these areas before the Romans, it is even inferred that in the iron age there are also records of tombs and objects discovered in Conimbriga. Despite the fact that many restorations have been done on the Roman ruins, it is classified as one of the best in Europe! Let's remember that they are not structures like coliseums, they were buried and that is why the work is much more difficult when investigating the historical data.πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈπŸš©πŸ§­
Los Turdulos oppidanos fue una poblacion preromanica que habito muchas zonas de la peninsula iberica, se tiene muy poca informacion sobre ellos ya que los registros arqueologicos son demasiado escasos y normalmente se excavan en muy malas condiciones, sin embargo hay registros en Conimbriga que esa poblacion habito estas zonas antes de los Romanos, hasta se infiere que en la edad de hierro tambien existen registros de tumbas y objetos descubiertos en Conimbriga. Apesar que se han hecho muchas restauraciones en las ruinas Romanas esta clasificada como una de las mejores de europa! recordemos que no son estructuras como coliseos, estaban enterradas y es por eso que el trabajo es mucho mas dificil en el momento de investigar los datos historicos.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘³β€β™‚οΈ

Scientific studies🧠/ Estudios cientificos🌏



Much research work has been carried out on the ruins of Conimbriga since its discovery. In its time it was one of the most important in the country since it was a military route that linked the old Lisbon with Braga, the connection was to all of Hispania! administratively it was controlled by "Conventus Scallabitanus" this was the "Lusitania province". The closest city to Conimbriga is Coimbra. This city is full of Roman ruins, which indicates that there was a lot of Roman activity for several hundred years. Making a trip further back, it has been recorded that Coimbra was also inhabited by a Celtic population "conios".πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«πŸ§­
Muchos trabajos de investigacion se han realizado en las ruinas de Conimbriga desde su descubrimiento. En su epoca fue una de las mas importantes del pais ya que era una ruta militar que unia la antigua lisboa con braga, la conexion era hacia toda hispania! administrativamente era controlada por "Conventus Scallabitanus" esta era la "provincia lusitania". La ciudad mas proxima de Conimbriga es coimbra esta ciudad esta llena de ruinas Romanas lo que indica que existio mucha actividad romana por varios cientos de anos. Haciendo un viaje mas atras se ha registrado que coimbra tambien fue habitada por una poblacion celta "conios".πŸ°πŸ§ πŸ‘€

Conquest🧠/ Conquista🌏




Decimo Junio Gross was the Roman Military responsible for conquering the lands of northern Portugal and all of Galicia, in his campaigns several seasonal sites were built for his troops, roads were also created to create trade routes between Coimbra, Braga and Spain! These bells occurred approximately in 139 BC, at which time the emperor was "Caesar Augustus". The most interesting spaces in Conimbriga are the hot springs and the famous forum, the latter was of vital importance for the population because the Romans interacted here and had their social life. These photos that I took are several places where the Romans had their own businesses and sold different products!🧠🏰🧭
Decimo Junio Bruto fue el responsable Militar Romano en conquistar las tierras del norte de Portugal y toda Galicia, en sus campanas se construyeron varios yacimientos estacionales para sus tropas, ademas se crearon carreteras para crear rutas de comercio entre coimbra, braga y espana! estas campanas ocurrieron aproximadamente en el 139 antes de cristo, en esa altura el emperador era "Cesar Augusto". los espacios mas interesantes en Conimbriga son las zonas de aguas termales y el famoso foro, este ultimo era de vital importancia para la poblacion pues aqui interactuaban los romanos y tenian su vida social. Estas fotos que tome son varios locales donde los romanos tenian sus propios negocios y vendian diferentes productos!πŸš©πŸŒπŸ€΄πŸ‘ΈπŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ

decoration in public places🧠/ decoracion en sitios publicos🌏




animal and deity designs🌏🚩

The Romans were too demanding with their decorative work and could take years to finish a painting or, for example, a mural, before there was no mass industry and everything had to be done by hand, in this case you can see a mural that was located in the Forum area, the square and near the markets, called mosaics were discovered in 1899 and date back to the 2nd and 3rd century. One of the mosaics was found in a house believed to have been an unknown wealthy Roman figure.πŸ‘€πŸ§­

Los romanos eran demasiado exigentes con sus trabajos decorativos y podian demorar anos en terminar una pintura o por ejemplo un mural, anteriormente no existia la industria en masa y todo tenia que realizarse a mano, en este caso puedes ver un mural que estaba ubicado en el area del foro, la plaza y cerca de los mercados, llamados mosaicos fueron descubiertos en 1899 y datan del siglo II y III. Uno de los mosaicos fue encontrado en una casa que se cree fue un personaje romano rico desconocido.πŸ‘€πŸ§ 


Hot spring area🧠/ Zona de termas🌏




The main street was surrounded by a wall that gave protection to the rich Roman inhabitants, through these roads you had access to the baths that were public, however, people who were very rich could build a private bath but it did not make sense because in the baths It is that the men socialized apart from the women, many generals who made long trips stayed for short days in one of the houses to rest the horses and replenish supplies to continue their trips, the waters were also used to relax the body and help with tiredness. They dated equally from the 2nd and 3rd century.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«
La calle principal estaba rodeada de una muralla que daba proteccion a los moradores ricos romanos, por estas vias se tenia acceso a las termas que eran publicas sin embargo las personas que eran muy ricas podian construir una terma privada pero no tenia sentido pues en las termas es que se socializaba los hombres a parte de las mujeres, muchos generales que hacian viajes largos se hospedaban por cortos dias en alguna de las casas para dar descanso a los caballos y reponer sumistros para continuar sus viajes, las aguas eran usadas tambien para relajar el cuerpo y ayudar con el cansancio. Databan igual del siglo II y III.πŸ‘€πŸ§ 

indigenous neighborhood🧠/ Barrio indigena🌏


This is the area where remains of a civilization dating back to IV BC, long before the Romans, were discovered. Here are some burial places, various ceremonial objects were discovered to this day, they are a mystery because they were made of clay material.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
Esta es la zona donde se descubrieron restos de una civilizacion que remonta del IV antes de cristo, mucho antes que los Romanos, aqui se observan algunos locales de entierro, se descubrieron varios objetos ceremoniales hasta el dia de hoy son un misterio porque fueron echos de material de barro.πŸ‘³β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈπŸ§ 

House of the "cantaber"🧠/ Casa del "cantaber"🌏





This is one of the most interesting areas of Conimbriga, it is the house that had been assigned to an important Roman aristocrat who ruled the city in the 5th century, it is the longest private area in the community with more than 3km, it was one one of the first to be discovered in the 1930s.πŸ°πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
Esta es una de las zonas mas interesante de conimbriga se trata de la casa que habia sido asignada a un importante aristocrata romana que goberno en la ciudad en el siglo V, es el area privada mas larga de la comunidad con mas de 3km, fue uno de los primeros en ser descubiertos en la decada de los anos 30.🚩🌏

the luxuries of rome🧠/ Los lujos de la roma🌏




Despite the constructions being all luxurious and very symmetrical and decorated, not everything was beautiful in this city, arriving at the 5th century, Rome suffered the sieges of the barbarians and in view of the city never having been compromised, a fast wall was built with 1500 meters to protect from the germanics however in the same fifth century the city was taken by the barbarians.πŸ°πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
Apesar de las construcciones ser todas lujosas y muy simetricas y decoradas no todo fue bonito en esta ciudad llegando al siglo V roma sufria los asedios de los barbaros y en vista de la ciudad nunca haber estado comprometida se construyo una muralla rapido con 1500metros para proteger de los germanicos sin embargo en el mismo siglo V fue tomada la ciudad por los barbaros.πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Forum🧠/ Forun🌏




Here we see the center of the city and normally where the Romans spent the most time, here all kinds of activities were carried out including religious rituals and tributes to past Roman emperors remembered for raising the status of Rome above any civilization! its construction dates from 27-14 BC.🏰🌏

Aqui vemos el centro de la ciudad y normalmente donde pasaban el mayor tiempo los romanos aqui se realizaban todo tipos de actividades incluyendo rituales religiosos y homenajes a emperadores romanos del pasado recordados por elevar el estatus de roma por encima de cualquier civilizacion! su construccion data del 27-14 antes de cristo.πŸ§­πŸ‘€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Highway and entrance to the city🧠/ Carretera y entrada de la ciudad🌏


This was the main area where the stone road was located, which in its time was a highway, all commercial transport arrived here, as well as the army that passed through the central and northern areas of Portugal, the wall mentioned above is this one from Here it was built when the city was under a barbarian siege.πŸ‘€πŸ§­
Esta era el area principal donde estaba la calzada de piedra que en su epoca era una carretera, por aqui llegaban todos los transportes comerciales al igual que el ejercito que transitaba por las zonas del centro y norte de portugal, la muralla mencionada anteriormente es esta de aqui que fue construida cuando la ciudad estaba bajo el asedio barbaro.πŸ°πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Hunknown object...🧠/ objeto desconocido...🌏


I asked the guide of the place if that was something for the Romans to wash themselves and he replied that it is an object that is being studied because it is not known what it is! Incredible that we know so much about the Romans and to this day there are things that may be a mystery and we will never know what it is!πŸ‘€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
le pregunte a la guia del lugar que si eso era algo para los romanos lavarse y me respondio que es un objeto que esta en estudio porque no se sabe lo que es! increible que sabemos tanto de los romanos y hasta el dia de hoy hay cosas que puede que sean un misterio y nunca sepamos lo que sea!πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ














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