Rectal Bleeding and Causes (A Neighbor Experience)

My neighbor rushed out of her apartment yesterday, to tell me she noticed blood in the toilet bowl water, which came along with her stool (faecal). She decided to clean up using a tissue/toilet paper, she saw it was stained with blood and got really frightened, and came to my apartment frightened, and narrating the entire scenario to me. Well, I do not know if my response wasn't what she wanted, but all I said was "You cannot tell what is wrong, unless you go to the hospital. You should visit a doctor/physician". After saying this, she was less frightened, but sounded disappointed. I didn't know what she expected me to say, but for sure, I wasn't going to tell her to go use some herbs I am not sure of its work, or visit some drug shop to buy a medication when we aren't even sure of what is wrong. Well, I saw her checking google for a list of medications that would work for rectal (anal) bleeding, but I pray she doesn't go with Google blindly, and hope that she visits a doctor. I haven't seen her since yesterday, but I hope she went to the hospital yesterday to see a doctor.

Rectal bleeding is often related to bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract or any other part of the gastrointestinal tract, and in some case, it could be from a disease in the rectal region. It is important to know that the gastrointestinal tract starts from the mouth, where food is ingested, and taken through the esophagus, which takes the food to the stomach, where digestion begins. Food is then moved to the Duodenum of the small intestine, and then to the Jejunum, after which the food reaches the ileum of the small intestine. The Ceacum connects the small and large intestine together, and this is where the large intestine begins. The food moves through the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, the rectum and then to the anus.

The color of the blood, and the visibility of the blood, determines the location where the bleeding is coming from, and could help in identifying the cause of the bleed. When the color of the blood is red and bright, it is coming from the lower gastrointestinal tract, and the higher it is in the intestinal tract, and away from the anus, the darker the blood becomes. Rectal bleeding could also be caused by an ulcer, causing a dark, tar-like stool color. Anal bleeding often leads to Anemia, as a result of blood loss during stool.

Bright red blood, which indicates a bleeding at the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract or at the anus. This could likely be caused by Hemorrhoids, Trauma from sexual activity, infections, and Anal fissure.

Hemorrhoids (piles) is a condition where the vessels (vein and artery) in the anus or around the skin of the anus becomes swollen. This condition is usually associated with constipation and straining of the vessels in the Rectum. It could be found in pregnant women, and obese people. When Hemorrhoids are external, there is a swelling around the anus, but when inside, the swelling obstructs stooling. Hemorrhoids can cause itching, bleeding, soft lump, pain, and discomfort.

Anal fissure is another cause of rectal bleeding. Anal fissures are minor tears in the mucosa (moist tissue) at the anus. This is often followed with pain and bleeding (bright red blood), and it is often caused as a result of passing out feces through the bowel, and when wiping the bowel. Anal fissure usually heal with time, and with the use of Laxative, and Analgesia, it can be managed.

While blood found alongside stool can be bad, it is important to know that blood can mix with stool. Conditions such as Gastroenteritis, Diverticular Disease, Polyps, Angiodysplasia, Inflammatory bowel disease, and colon cancer (one cause of Rectal bleeding that always call for concern is Colorectal Cancer (Colon cancer))

With Gastroenteritis, there is an infection and inflammation of the GIT. It is usually associated with diarrhea and vomiting. Bacteria such as Salmonella, E.Coli 0157, Shigella, and campylobacter are major causes of gastroenteritis. Viruses such as rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, and astroviruses cause acute Gastroenteritis. Alongside symptoms of Rectal bleeding, patients could experience abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Fever.

Furthermore, in the conditions that could cause rectal bleeding is Diverticulitis. It is described as a small pouch in the wall of the lower part of the digestive system (bowel or colon). With Diverticulitis, there is inflammation and infection in the diverticula, which could cause pain in the Iliac fossa, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, Nausea, and vomiting.

One condition I would like to discuss is the colorectal cancer. According to this article, it is the second and third most common cancer in women and men, respectively, worldwide. It is the cancer of the colon or the rectum, which is often associated with symptoms such as Rectal bleeding, weight loss, abdominal pain, iron deficiency anemia, rectal mass when examining the cancer region.

Treatment and management can differ for Rectal bleeding depending on the cause of the bleeding. In the case of Colon cancers, diagnosis will be colonoscopy, and treatment could be surgery (Biopsy), chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. In cases of anal fissure, treatments could include use of laxatives, Topical Anasthetics, and use of Glyceryl Trinitrate ointment on the muscles. For Gastroenteritis, antibiotics can be used to manage the causes.


My fear with my neighbor checking Google for a solution is that she could end up seeing what would scare her, or use a wrong treatment for a wrong cause. A lot of people are now used to Google and asking for medical advice from Google search engine, which I do not see as a good choice of action. It is advisable to visit the hospital, when you notice any changes in your body.


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