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Let's talk about cesarean section.

Welcome to my blog once again.

Today am writing about cesarean section, unfortunately I grew up in the part of the world where ceseran section is a taboo, any woman that gives birth through ceseran section is considered to be lazy and not well trained tho lately science and technology has gradually changed such view in some while some still hold onto what they believe.

*What is ceseran section?

This is a procedure where a surgeon opens the stomach of a pregnant woman and safely brings out the baby from the womb. tho some people decides not to go through the stress of pushing out a baby they rather sign in for ceseran section while some had this surgery in other to save both the baby and the mother, in the course of this write up we will get to know situation that might lead to ceseran section.

edited from pixabay

Lets look at some conditions that might require ceseran section immediately.
First if the babies fetal heart is abnormal either high or low it requires to save the life of the unborn child through Cesarean section, the normal heart rate of a baby rangea from 120-160 beats per minute.
Secondly if the position of the baby is not normal during labor so to save both mother and child surgery has to be done.
Thirdly if labor fails to increase and the uterus fails to dilate so on this situation the baby can die so cesarean section must be done.
Fourthly some underlying health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure known as preeclampsia, asthma and many other sickness might make cesarean section inevitable for such person.
Cesarean section can also be done if there are more than one baby and the woman already have wounds around her cervix.

Umbilical Cord prolapse can also lead to cesarean section and also when there is any issue with the placenta.

There are different types of cesarean section, the vertical type, high and low vertical, and the low transverse type.

*Managing cesarean section site.

This aspect is very important because you need all the necessary car so that the site will be well protected from all form of infection.

*Risk of cesarean section.

There are some risk involved in cesarean section, in some cases patient start losing breath after or during surgery, some children also face the same problem.
Some times there are excessive bleeding and blood cloths can also take ones life.
Some women incure damage in the bladder or kidney, and this will affect the womans life all through her life.
Most women do not have future opportunities to be pregnant after surgery.

Some people believe that babies born through cesarean section are not strong like other babies but thats not true m, there is no different in the both.

In conclusion before going in for a cesarean section please do a thorough check up to know if the body condition will be okay for the surgery, also the haemoglobin percentage is being checked to be sure before surgery.
After the surgery the patient needs to have a full rest so that the body will heal back gradually, the patient don't need any hard work at all, in all when the wounds heals the woman will be back to her feet.

Women go through a whole lot in life, please always appreciate them, show them love and concern.

Thank you all.