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General effects of stress

When you hear the word stress what comes to your mind, so many things actually comes to the mind where we hear the word stress.

what is stress?

Stress is the natural way one responds when worried over a particular problem mentally or physically.
The person will be tensed and not relaxed especially when theree is a threat over our life or health challenges to our life.


Stress comes up in many forms, lets take them one after the other.

Types of stress.

Physical stress
This had to do with when there is health problems like when there is health problem like diabetes asthma high blood pressure and if accident occurs the patient will be physically stressed because of pain that he is facing more to that someone can be physically stressed when a relative is sick and you are busy taking care of the person this can bring physical stress also at work one can face physical stress because of the work loads.

Physiological stress
This happens when emotions are involved when someone is frustrated over a situation when someone is facing difficult situation when someone is being attacked by a relative this can cause psychological stress.
Psychological stress can also come when someone is doubting herself when someone is feeling low esteem and when someone is not too sure of who she is.
Psychological stress can also happen when a husband loses a mate or a wife loses the husband in death also marital problems can also cause psychological stress.

Acute stress
Acute stress is a short-term stress that may happen when someone is facing a challenge or a new situation maybe a deadline at work or just survived a car accident.
It is a short-term stress because it doesn't last long after a while emotion goes down and it goes away.
Episodic acute stress come repeatedly especially when there is always work deadline,

Chronic stress
We hear the word chronic we know that this is something that has been, chronic stress has to deal with people who live in a high-crime environment or a husband and wife always fight or someone who always get involved in quarrels with neighbours this person will be facing what is known as chronic stress.
Chronic stress never end until the person leaves that environment or leaves the marriage or quit the job that causes distress.

There are so many signs and symptoms of stress.

There is increase in heart rate, and high-temperature sometimes, unusual sweat and always feeling hot.

A person lacks sleep, always anxious, mood swing the person gets irritated over a little thing and doesn't find comfort around friends and family.
Most times people who are stressed feels overwhelmed because they think they cannot get solutions to their problem because they don't find joy around people and most times friends avoid them this makes them sad and overwhelmed.
People who are stressed are always angry and most time they develop high blood pressure.

People who suffer from chronic stress always gaining weight cuz they always feel hungry and they also suffer from insomnia we always feel sudden attack because they feel insecure.

Management of stress

Stress can be managed let's see how!

One way to manage stress is to exercise regularly so as to get the body and mind at rest.
Another way is by focusing on how to on how to promote self-awareness.people who are stress advised to seek a therapist and also visit a doctor for counseling.

Time management can also help to reduce stress if we are facing physical stress or psychological stress as a result of work we can reduce our time and work time so as to have some time for rest and remain focused.
Eating healthy can also help us to manage stress, taking a lot of water can also help us to reduce stress, we can visit parks and beaches where we can see nature and that will help us release stress.

Complications of stress

Never overlook its when you are stressed because it can cause some health issues that will affect our well-being and future and our life,
Can cause heart disease stress , stress can cause digestive problem like irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and many more stress can also cause obesity, those are the main reason why we should handle stress immediately we notice it.
Stress can cause burnout, affecting our relationship with family and friends.

How do you manage stress?

Let me know in the comment section.
