Respiratory Problem, One Panicked Disease in my Family

Hello Stemsocial Community! Welcome to my blog. It has been three days since I and my family are worried about the health of my father who is in Saudi Arabia. Every day we ask about his health from his assistant is there because he has been admitted to the hospital. Yesterday, I talked to the doctor who has done a complete inspection of my father. According to the doctor,

My father has suffered from respiratory issues. His lungs have allergic inflammation hence every time he encounters any allergen like dust, pollen, etc he faces difficulties in breathing and chest pain.

Respiratory Backbone

Lungs are an important part of our respiratory system. When air enters through our nostrils, it passes through different respiratory tubes and reaches into the alveoli. Alveoli are the air sacs whose thickness is about one-celled. These are the places where gaseous exchange takes place. Oxygen enters into the blood through the capillaries network around the alveoli and CO2 from the blood enters into the alveoli. In short, alveoli are gaseous exchange points and respiratory tubes like bronchi, bronchioles, and trachea are the air passages.


Common Respiratory Problems

When I heard the details from the doctor, I decided to read different research articles to know what had happened to the respiratory system of my father. I was suspecting the following diseases.

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Broncho-esophageal obstruction
  • Tuberculosis

After reading about these diseases for three consecutive days, I was confused hence I took guidance from our Home Physician. He called my father and had taken a clinical history from my father. My father described complaints about short breathing, sleeping discomfort, chest pain, and coughing with a wheezing sound. The doctor after thinking a lot asked about the medication given by the doctor. My father mentioned the following medicines.

  • Tioviar-F (Bronchodilator)
  • Montelukast Sodium (leukotriene modifiers
  • Fexet-D (Antihistamine & Antiallergic)
  • Inhaler



Our Home Physician after taking all the details diagnosis Asthma. Yes, my father suffered from this disease and I confirmed it from a doctor in Saudi Arabia as well.


It is a respiratory disease in which air passages start vasoconstriction when any asthma triggers disturb them. Air passages become narrow and swollen. Sometimes mucous is entrapped in these passages worsening this condition. Air passages get inflammation and become swollen.


It can be acute and can be chronic. Any age group Factor can be exposed to this problem. No fixed reason can cause asthma. If the patient has reached the chronic stage then he should adopt preventive measures and make a close connection with the doctor. In Asthma patients, asthmatic attacks can happen at any time hence it is better to have an inhaler in our pocket.

Thank God although I'm unable to eradicate my father's respiratory problem I have known the exact disease that is affecting my father's health. After hearing all the worst effects of this disease, I advised my father to take preventive measures like avoiding inhaling allergens, avoiding smoke, and avoiding taking medicine that aggravates asthma-like NSAID, aspirin, using masks, avoiding any hard activities, etc. At the first stage, this disease can be cured but at a later stage, we can't have a cure for it. I'm glad after taking all this information from the following sources and advising them to my father. I hope he will recover from his problem soon.

This is the health-biological common problem that I have discussed here. I hope you enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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