Laugh by knowing Some Health Facts —1st Medical Meme Edition

Hello StemSocial Community! Welcome to my blog. Today I was feeling Creative hence I decided to share some Medical Memes. These all memes are about Smokers, Drugs and importance of Health. With Advancement in Pharmacology, there are many new life save drugs available now that were impossible in the era of our forefathers. The expectancy and standard of life are improved now. To get hygiene environment is very easy. Although we have many advanced tools to make sure our good health but still there are things we are doing and these things are harming our life's expectancy. Either it is smoking both active and passive or it is bad air due to air pollution both affects our lungs. When our lungs are affected we get many respiratory diseases.


Drugs and Health

When we talk unmeasured amount of any chemical, this chemical is called drug. Drugs are easily available in underdeveloped countries without doctor prescription either they are source of many health problems or they are life-threatening. In these countries when you advise to a friend who is drug addictive, he will take your words in negative sense and if you are Infront of him then he can fight with you on this topic. So be careful! When you are advising to your drug addictive friends.


Government'role for the fate of Drugs

In those countries where number of drug addictives are getting increasing day by day, the role of governments is very important. Governments should either ban drugs or must assure availablity of drugs on doctor's prescription. Both can save many lives. It becomes painful to see a member in a family who is drug addictive.


Drugs are not Energy Pills

In some countries, I have studied doctor prescribed some doctors as energy pills. There is no drug that can replace diet. We should take healthy diet to strengthen our body instead of drugs. It is a big deceive in Pharmacy that many drugs are labelled as energy source in third world countries.


Side Effects

When we take many drugs without doctor's advice then there are high chances for many drugs adverse effects including allergy, constipation, diarrhoea etc. Constipation is one of the bad and painful drug side effect. In this bad health condition, only luxation by Liquid Paraffin can save our life.


Our Life is Precious

In developing countries, we have to fight not only with diseases but also by quacks who pretend to be a doctor. Everyday there are many news regarding the death of people who were affected by expired drugs and injections. These Quacks only love money and they didn't have any mercy for our life. We should be careful about the date of injections when doctors are administered them to us.


Avoid one Wheeling

In our young generation, there can be seen of one of the life-threatening games that is one wheeling. Due to one wheeling, every month many youngs died. It is too much deadly play and we should avoid because our life is very important.


Doctors are our Friends

Whenever I've health problems, I didn't hesitate to call our home Physician. His health tips are always one big guidance to save my family from many diseases. Doctor can't be according to our well. They are professional people and they diagnosed and treated us according to our problems severity. So we should consider doctors as our friends not like our enemies.


These are some of the memes about drugs and health, I designed to share here. I hope, you enjoyed them a lot. Thanks!

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