Alarming Situation for My Largest Body Organ

Hello StemSocial Community! From couple of days, I'm feeling sever itching at Night. Sometimes, I started scratching on my skin that resulted in skin discontinuity. Moreover, there are also rashes in my groin, scalp and shoulders. To observe these changes into my body, I was frightened and frustrated. Hence, I decided to visit our home Physician who recommended me to visit one well known Dermatologist as soon as possible. Further he mentioned that it is Parasitic Infection that can treated as early as possible so there is no need to worry.

Check Up At Dermatologist Clinic

After knowing alarming situation from home Physician, I took appointment from one of the most famous Dermatologist on the next day. On the appointment time, I visited his clinic. Dermatologist took history of my skin infection. His many questions were rounding around the facts that either I've contacted to any person who has skin problem or I've used contaminated clothes. There is any other family member who has skin infection? When itching started? I shared my history briefly to the Dermatologist because I want to get rid of this skin infection. Moreover, he also checked my skin rashes.



After observing rashes on my all skin, he has taken my skin sample from rashes side that he observed in the microscope.


I was surprised to see above tiny dangerous creature that is now inhabitant on my skin. I was really frightened. This eight legged burrowing mite is Sarcoptes Scabiei. It is burrowing mite whose host is human. This is very different mite that is found in pets. Moreover Pet's mite can't result into any skin infection to us.

Dermatologist's Diagnosis

After making confirmatory diagnosis from skin sample, he mentioned my skin infection as Scabies. Yes, I'm infected by Scabies. It is the same skin problem that has affected me when I was 8 years old. Now it is more sever with some very different signs.

  • tiny bites
  • bumps and lumps on the skin
  • hives
  • Raised Rashes


When I followed Dermatologist's Prescription, I found following things.

  • Ivermectin 6 mg tablets
  • Scabion Lotion
  • Canesten Cream
  • Antihistamine tablet


He also mentioned that Parasitic Infection needs a long course and proper follow-up if I want to get rid of my problem. I was listening as well as writing carefully everything that Dermatologist was mentioning to me. I can't imagine my life with that dangerous mites. Anyways he also recommended some preventive measures.

  • Daily bath with hot water
  • Wash your whole Skin with Dettol
  • Put iron-clothes daily
  • Wash your room with disinfectants
  • Avoid Physical Contact with other family members
  • Disinfectant your Bedding

Scabies Complications

When I was about leaving his clinic, he warned me about Scabies Complications if I would not follow his instructions.

  • Chronic Kidney Diseases
  • Septicemia due to secondary bacterial Infections in skin tunnels
  • Heart Diseases

During burrowing activities, these mites lays eggs into skin tunnels that further causes problems. Scabies can't leave us themselves it needed Proper treatment and care to get fully cure. I was happy by Dermatologist visit and glad to know many information from him. If you have skin infection then must any good Dermatologist and share your problem to save your life without any hesitation.

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