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Hemorrhagic Stroke - Final Part

I hope you are following my series of posts in which I have been talking about a sudden onset disease that causes a great amount of physical limitations globally every year, such as Stroke.

I have explained the generalities of this disease in a First Post and I explained very specifically the ischaemic stroke in a Second part, to conclude this series I would like to do so by giving an explanation of the one that has less presentation in statistical terms but that is by far the most lethal, and that can leave more sequels in who survives, the hemorrhagic Stroke.

I hope with all my heart that this series will serve to clarify the most important points of this very common disease, so let's continue.

Pixabay/ Author: Weksart

The problem with hemorrhagic stroke occurs when one or more blood vessels located at the cerebral level, where for some reason the wall of this vessel is weak and breaks, causing a hemorrhage to occur.

That is why it is important that we talk about the fundamental causes that can cause a hemorrhage at the cerebral level, and that present a great risk for the person who suffers it.

  • The first cause is the presence of an aneurysm, this is a weakness (generally congenital) of the wall of the blood vessel, which resembles a bubble, and that can break, producing a hemorrhage and therefore, presenting the Stroke.

  • As a second cause that I must highlight, would be an arteriovenous malformation, also a congenital condition in which we are in the presence of an arteriovenous junction with defects, where this defect causes the wall where the junction between the two blood vessels is weak, and being an area prone to break and cause a hemorrhage.

  • Also this weakness can be generated by a persistent arterial hypertension, where the weakness of the wall is formed by the constant blow of the blood with high pressure. So arterial hypertension also figures as a risk factor in this type of stroke.

Pixabay/ Author: OpenClipart-Vectors

The clinical manifestations of this disease, in terms of signs and symptoms varies in many ways. And it is in accordance with the site where the hemorrhage occurs and also with the magnitude of the hemorrhage.

On the one hand, if it is a small blood vessel that produces the hemorrhage, we will have that the blood flow to a specific part of the brain will be affected, and logically that the cells that are left without that blood flow (which carries oxygen, glucose and other nutrients) will begin to suffer from hypoxia, until the time comes, if that situation continues, the cells die, which in turn will produce the particular deficit based on the functions that fulfilled those cells that have died.

There is also the affectation of the area in which the hemorrhage occurs, since the blood outside the blood vessels, in the brain tissue is a great irritant, which ends up seriously affecting all the tissue in which it remains.

Particularly that last one, increase of the Endocranial tension, is potentially mortal for all that it implies, and it is what ends up producing the death of the person.

Imagine that the brain is inside the skull, which is a vault, in which just the brain and other parts of the nervous system enter, at the time that there is a release of blood at intracranial level, the brain begins to be greatly affected, since the space available to it is reduced, and is increasingly tightened, in this process all the infrastructure of the central nervous system gradually begin to enter into chaos, including the respiratory center, which ends up ceasing its function, and the automatism of breathing is lost..

Logically this will produce the death of the person, in addition to the fact that with the increase of intracranial pressure, the other blood vessels also begin to collapse, cutting off the blood supply globally, ending up producing irreparable damage at the cerebral level. This is the reason for the serious complications that occur when a hemorrhagic stroke occurs.

Pixabay/ Author: maja7777

Is there a way to prevent it?

It is relative, when we are born with a genetic predisposition to have arteriovenous malformations or aneurysm formation is something we can not change, at least not so far, so for that part leaves us defenseless, but if we can minimize the risk of suffering from it with general care measures, as I mentioned in previous posts.

Considering that it is due to the weakness of a blood vessel wall, there are specific medications that can be used to strengthen them a little. But beyond this, it is very important to control the levels of ARTERIAL Pressure, I could say that just by maintaining healthy habits of life, we keep away many diseases, even this one that is usually fatal if it occurs.

The purpose of this publication is to explain what happens internally in our body if this disease occurs, but not to serve as a guide to treatment level, because it is usually very complex, plus it must be handled at the hospital level by medical specialists.

But I do like to explain all these aspects, since I know that they are not always explained, much less when the emergency occurs, because it is not to explain the priority but to attend to the affected person.

Thank you very much for your support, I say goodbye, hoping that this publication will be of much help to you.