The state as a tool to guarantee the balance of natural ecosystems

In previous articles, I have spoken of the urgent and fundamental need we have to anticipate the risk of disasters, with the clear objective of creating environmental plans and measures that allow us to reduce and protect people, communities and countries, their livelihoods, their health, and above all to guarantee the balance of natural ecosystems.

▶ Credits: Drought. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: Nationalgeographic. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Climate change is a reality, in this sense it is useless to argue about who is to blame, or about whether the attitude of those who champion the fight in this field is self-serving, since it is clear that our actions are accelerating the imbalances suffered by natural ecosystems in an alarming way.

The sad thing is that in the face of these imbalances suffered by natural ecosystems, governments around the world do not make an effort to work on the causes that provoke and accelerate the changes, hence the urgent need to create solutions aimed at adapting our environments and protecting us from the changes.

Consequently, disaster risk reduction practices must be multi-hazard, multi-sectoral, inclusive and accessible in order to be efficient and effective. While the leadership, regulatory and coordination role of governments must be recognized, they must interact with relevant actors throughout society.

This requires going beyond the vision of protection in static terms and working with natural dynamics, relying on what nature itself teaches us and, on that basis, providing a creative dimension aimed at the enjoyment of society.

▶ Credits: Research. – [Image of Public Domain]

The main objective is to reduce the imbalances suffered by natural ecosystems, therefore, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to address the current challenges and prepare for the future to achieve this it is necessary to address current challenges and prepare for future ones by focusing on actions such as monitoring, assessing and understanding disaster risk and sharing such information and the way it is generated on disaster risk at the governmental and institutional level.

NOTE: Reference material.

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