Science and natural factors involved in the growth and development of weeds

Weed control stands out as an essential component of agricultural production, it has been shown that weeds are a limiting factor in crops and production, at certain times weeds are more harmful than others.

▶ Credits: ecofarmingdaily. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: bakhabarkissan. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Therefore, it is important to determine the critical period of the crop, in our case the tuber or Chinese ocumo, in order to help the producer to carry out adequate practices at the right time.

However, the competitive balance between weed communities and agricultural crops depends on factors related to the weed community (species composition, density and distribution), the culture (species or variety, planting spacing and density) and the period of extension coexistence, which can be altered by environmental conditions and cultural practices.

It is also noted that weed interference can interfere with tuber development, making them smaller, causing deformations and decreasing their planting density.

Weeds are one of the factors that most negatively influence the growth, development and production of crops, since they compete for light, water and nutrients, which is reflected in the quantitative and qualitative reduction of production.

▶ Credits: dtnpf. – [Image of Public Domain]

In addition to increasing the operational costs of harvesting and processing of the agricultural product. They also release harmful allelopathic substances, serve as hosts for pests and diseases common to the cultivated species and interfere with harvesting.

NOTE: Reference material.

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