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Understanding How Digestion Takes Place

Growing up, there is a whole lot of questions and curiosity that lies within me and that is because I always love to get answers to lto of questions in me. This most especially deals with our health. There are something's that I was told happens in our body system and most of the time I always wonder how do these stuff happens.

Well at the end of the day, those curiosity always lead me to ask some questions and make me to do some research in order to get answers to my questions. One of them was for me to understand how digestion takes place within us.


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I believe many of us might have heard several times that when we eat, the food move straight to our stomach and that is where digestion takes place. Well even though it looks so simple as a process been listed out. I still believe there is still more to this and that is what I want to make research on actually. Well at the end of the day, I finally made my research and got my answer actually.

Digestion even though many of us is aware of the name is a complex but very important process that always takes place in our body system because it helps us to break down food into the necessary nutrients that it needs for growth and energy. Let me start with the digestive system because there is no way we can talk about digestion without not mentioning the digestive system. There are a whole lot of organs involved in our digestive system which I will be listing below. We have;

  • The Mouth
  • The Stomach
  • The Esophagus
  • The Large Intestine
  • The Small Intestine

When it comes to digestion, there are steps and process attached to it. The first step is what I called the ingestion. In this step, digestion started from the mouth which of course that is when we chew and swallow the food we eat. Well something called saliva helps the process to be carried out efficiently as it helps to moisturise the food to make it easier to swallow.


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The second step takes place in the Esophagus. In the throat, the food swallowed moved using a tube we called the esophagus. This helps to push the food to the stomach where the main process takes place. In fact I will sya the main process of digestion takes place in the stomach and this is where everything is concluded.

The third step involved in digestion is the stomach. In the stomach, there is something called the chemical digestion that takes place. The food that is been swallowed is exposed to acidic environment and that helps it to be digestive. The stomach helps to break the swallowed food into smaller particles. After the food spent roughly close to 3-4 hours according to my research carried out, it moved to the small intestine.

The fourth step is what I called the Small Intestine digestion. This is where majority of digestion takes place. There is the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. The enzymes helps to break down the food molecules and that is where the digestion takes place. The necessary nutrients from the absorbed food will begin to be absorbed by the body system. One of the major works the small intestine does is to help to absorb nutrient efficiently. Then the last step is where the large intestine conclude the digestion. From the aspect, the other nutrients is been absorbed and then the remaining ones are transfer as faeces to be eliminated out as waste product.


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As I conclude, for some people that suffer from constipation, there are actually a whole lot of things that affects digestion. The first is the particular diet you are exposed to. Water is very essential and I believe everyone of us know about the importance of water. Hydration helps to aid digestion as it helps the smooth movement of the food and also the absorption of nutrients. Regular exercise can also goes a long way to help you to have smooth digestion and helps to prevent you from constipation. Make sure you engaged in regular exercise.

Digestion is a very crucial part of our body system and it is needed that everyone of us understand how digestion works. My curiosity makes me to do the research in order to get answers to my question and well at the end of the day, I got my answer. I hope my post today has been able to help give you an idea and knowledge about how digestion takes place within us.

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