Friday 13th ~ A Busy Day


Hello there.

This is my first post this year. I have so much to share. More than you'll ever want to see in one post, so I'll continue tomorrow maybe. No one actually know what will happen tomorrow, or even today, but we still plan. πŸ™‚

It's Friday and I have a lot to share for #MarketFriday hosted by Denise @dswigle πŸ₯°Today I am very excited.


I'm going to the cinema later today. Without context, this is an ordinal event itself. But the last time I went to the cinema was on February 23, 2022. The day before Russia attacked us. My husband and I went to the last session, so we returned home late. It was such a beautiful evening. And after 5 hours the war started.


Today it will be same cinema, but different movie. Ukrainian movie "Carol of the Bells".

I've purchased tickets online, hoping that there will not be air raid or power cut off.🀞🀞🀞

Power on and off in Kyiv return after New Year. I worked from home today, and when power was off, I drove to my friend, volunteer Nika. It is she who first brought me to my first volunteering center. I didn't see her since spring.


I came to pick up a special coffee pot to prepare coffee on gas. She is running coffee bussiness, and this particular coffee pot is really cool, it was used just a couple of times on Coffee World Championship, and is made of copper and silver. A true star!

Then I drove to downtown. I made an appointment in a manicure salon. We all need a time just for ourselves once in a while.

Oh, I miss my hanging around so much. It happens not often, but when my brain is not busy, I notice new things around. Today I passed by a small bakery. Fist, I noticed a really big generator.


I was going to buy cookies for breakfast, so I came closer and looked inside through the window. They had various bread, and then I saw Challah, a jewish festive bread. I was so surprised, just couldn't believe my eyes. This is the first time in my life when I see it in a bakery, I mean a true Challah that is baked on Friday for a weekend. Once, this was a district when Kyiv jews lived.

I bought one, it was not cheap, 133 UAH, it's around 3,3 USD. I wonder is it as tasty as the one I bake? Well, we'll see.

As I walk toward the salon, I noticed a beaufitul arch and a passage to coutryard. It looked familiar. Last winter, before the war, I was here with a local guide who showed us secret courtyards and picturesque corners of this area.




Here, I am on the spot. Visitor are not many. I used to come here often, long ago, in my previous carefree life...


My backpack with Ecency logo fit right in the interior. But photo cannot express the aroma came out of it. The aroma of freshly ground coffee and freshly baked bread! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°




All is done fast, so I have time to eat. ... Ah, I miss good old burgers sooo much! So I headed to The Burger Mexico, they serve the best burgers in the city.

OMG, look what is opened? Life goes on πŸ˜†


Nick join me today. This day is really fast. I came, took a sit, made an order. Nick came in after a few minutes, and in a few more minutes our burgers were ready! Ready? πŸ˜‰



Now when I and my hubby are full, we can go to the cinema. I am a little worried about my parked car. I dropped it near the spot, and hope I didn't violate the parking rules. 😬😬 Who knows what Friday 13th has for us.

But let's believe in good.

That's it! Have a good Friday night and see you soon!

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