RE: Horsing Around with Market Friday

I have some grapes which can be made into a few bottles of wine at the end of the season. Or you can make grape juice, your choice.

Probably I would either eat the grapes, or make grape juice. I very rarely drink wine and alcohol in general.

The chickens were very light-colored and tiny. The cost of those adorable little turkeys was $7.95. A worthy deal. They are easy keeps!

For those, who have a good garden. An adult turkey is a large bird. Their length is between 100-124.90 cm, and they can be very heavy (39 kg). They can be kept as a pet, and they are good as a food source too, and their litter can be used as fertilizer, and as fuel too.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

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