At 7/11 On 7/11

I couldn't miss going to 7/11 last July 11.

7 11

In Japan, 7/11 is just one of the many convenience stores that you can find anywhere. The one nearest my home is a 4-minute walk. I usually go there when I want to get snacks but you can also get many things in this establishment.

22 yen off in all 7 11 coffee

I purposely went to one because it's 7/11 day! Maybe they have some special promo or discounts or whatever but when I went inside, I only found the coffee discounted. It's 22 yen off for all 7/11 coffee sold in their cafe. Lately, I've been taking a coffee break so it's a no for me.

summer special corner

Their seasonal corner was filled with new stuff for the summer. New instant ramen and yakisoba were there but at the bottom of the shelf was something really summer-y - fireworks! In Japan, summer is filled with festivals and fireworks. You can do it in the beach and parks, but be careful - not all parks allow fireworks. Seeing fireworks like this usually means your summer isn't complete without fireworks - just my thinking though. I can't wait to have fireworks!


I've mentioned that there were also other stuff in 7/11, not just food. Well, this is an example.

manga and books corner

They also have a small manga corner here. You might be wondering why there's no One Piece - because I was wondering the same thing. Well, that's because only a few mangas left and now they're at the cash register area. I was in dilemma for a few seconds if I should get the newest manga or not but in the end, I chose not to.

daiso products and some everyday necessities

7/11 has been collaborating with Daiso, a 100 yen shop famous in Japan so in most 7/11 convenience stores, there's a small section for Daiso items. And yes, still the same price of 100 yen (without tax).

Because I couldn't find any other discounted stuff that day, I just went to buy my dinner and some snacks.

the noodles corner - ramen, udon, etc

Should I get noodles? They have a lot of cold noodles though, since it's summer.

salad and side dish corner

Or should it be from here? Salad or small side dishes?

salad for dinner? hmmm

This salad seems to be rich in protein and only a few kcal. Good for dieting.. hmm..

frozen meals

Or should I get anything from this frozen meals section? Their pasta is really good esp bolognese and carbonara. I usually get one from here when I need a quick meal fix. Their frozen ramen is also good, and so are the frozen rice meals.

But tonight I don't feel like eating heavy..

The bread section was almost empty when I got there. Probably because it's already almost midnight and they haven't refilled yet.

Bread - melonpan sticks

Since I only have limited choices, I got this melonpan sticks with chocolate chips. I've shared what a melonpan is before but if you forgot about it, it's a round bread shaped like a melon. It's sweet at the top. There are variations that has cream inside but my go-to melonpan is just the normal kind, nothing inside. By the way these melonpan sticks was close to the normal melonpan and it's very addicting because it's in stick form.


Seems like a new flavor of popcorn was out. Would you try this strawberry and chocolate popcorn? I didn't get it though but maybe it's like eating strawberry chocolates.

cold desserts

Oh no, there are a lot of desserts I want to eat! There's tiramisu, apple pie and, a milk roll cake! Waaa!

There's also this frozen section where you can get smoothies and frozen fruits. The smoothie is not yet the actual product though, you need to pay for a cup filled with fruits in the cash register first then use their machine to make the smoothie. Then it's ready!

frozen section - ice cream, smoothies, frozen fruits

In my video, I bought a melon-filled cup because I've tried the other ones already. So perfect for a hot summer. I got them when I went out one lunch break. It was so good and I needed more!

Since the nearest Starbucks is a 15 minute walk away, I usually buy their coffee in bottles like this. It's cheaper and the taste isn't so compromised, it's still good for a quick coffee. I'm actually surprised they also have these new variations - not just coffee anymore. Maybe only for summer time.

starbucks drinks

I checked the alcoholic drinks section too because I've been wanting to try the newest trending Lemon Sour that has an actual lemon in the can but I still couldn't find a stock here. I found an interesting flavor though. It's a Mango flavored alcohol, just perfect for summer. I've been seeing pineapple and many more seasonal drinks too. Next time, I'll get this mango drink.

Alcoholic drinks

And here's my shopping bag for tonight. I got the seafood salad, strawberry yoghurt, yakult (the Y1000 drink that's said to kill stress), shortcake in a cup and a lychee tea drink.

my shopping bag

Looks healthy? Nah, you didn't see the chips I bought. πŸ˜‚ So pretentious?! πŸ˜‚

my dinner, tada!

And at home, I was enjoying my salad! Then later, I opened the chips I bought. Oops, so much for trying to be healthy! πŸ™ƒ

Happy #MarketFriday by @dswigle! We miss you already!
Make sure to check out the community!

Thanks for reading!
See you around! γ˜γ‚ƒγ‚γ€γΎγŸγ­οΌ

With love,

All photos are taken using my phone unless stated otherwise.

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