Sukkot in Jerusalem - Market Friday street photography. (part i)

Hello here. Friday is celebrating and I prepared the series for the Market Friday leaded by wonderful Denise @dswigle.
Sukkot is still here and I willed to arrive in Jerusalem before the first evening of this Holiday that is continuing week long. I will start my story with these white Sukkah - a small hut, constructed for this week of the days of celebrating when people sit in these white temporary huts. More information about possible to find on WIKI.




I saw them everywhere on my way to the Machane Yehuda market, located in the center of the city. This market - half covered and half air open - always was my favorite place to visit and to be shocked by the amount of very mixed crowd, coming to spend time, to buy food, goodies, or to eat something. It also always was ver popular place by photographers - locals and tourists. Right now the photography boom fell hard and during this walk, I saw only one photographer, and she appeared before my eyes two or three times.

This guy played covers on his "drums" system in the entry to the open-air area market and seems like covered his face because the few people filmed him playing to their IG or FB stories.


And the opposite of this playing guy side looked like an anthill after the summer's rain.


And the entrance to the covered part of the market.



Here are some of the Sukkot rituals objects - Lulav and Etrog.
Actually, I know nothing about the rituals of every religion, so better you can read about in one of the nice sources, explains in detail the needs of these rituals - Sukkot Customs and Rituals.



This day was also crowded by the local police - one of them look like playing on the tablet of her job's partner. I was curious how effectively she can do her job with these long artificial nails.


Some people deeply need money.


Some people parks their transport just in the middle of everything.


Some are still young...


And some are already hopeless to sell something today.


Some feel cold during a 33C hot day.


I hope that these watermelons have nothing to do with the Pharmacy.


Kurdish KADEH - Kurdish Jewish Cheese Bread, filled with cheese. Hot and tasty like HELL. I ate two.


Busy bus station opposite the other entrance to the market.


Thank you for walking with me. I will continue this walk with two more posts about this day and about the feeling of the Middle East market madness that has a very specific smell and taste, deafening sound connecting all the different screaming, talking, offering voices.

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Photography © Victor Bezrukov
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