Market Friday

Market Friday

A post for Market Friday hosted by @dswigle, if you haven't followed her yet you should she is one of the kindest and most supportive people here on Hive, a comment from her is like a ray of sunshine on your page.
This is the one tag and challenge that I always make a point of joining, and also look through the posts of others that join the challenge and seeing markets from all around the world.

For this weeks post, I am sharing some shots of a General store I came across one morning
Davoll's General Store in Dartmouth.

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Sony A7iv 28mm F9 1/500 Sec ISO 100
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Looking it up online for this post I found it quite interesting, it has bene around for 228 years and has had 12 owners, recently brought by two brothers who used to bike tot he store when they were kids, they have done new renovations to the property, the Shattuck brothers s wanted to preserve the original structure and community feel.

Now I wish I had gone into it, I didn't that morning, as on the previous spot I had taken a walk, it was very muddy and I walked through what I thought was a puddle but was deeper than I thought and my shoes and the bottom of my jeans were soaking and dripping, but after reading about this place I do want to go and check it out.

In the article I read it mentioned an old telephone booth beside the entrance but I note that isnt there on my visit, I wonder if they moved it somewhere else and I didn't notice it

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Sony A7iv 41mm F9 1/250 Sec ISO 160
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It sells locally grown produce and has an expansive library of books curated by one of the brothers, I really must swing by there again sometime and check it out

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Sony A7iv 33mm F9 1/250 Sec ISO 125
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on the side it has this old Boat

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Sony A7iv 28mm F9 1/250 Sec ISO 100
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its a fairly large building as you can see from this angle

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Sony A7iv 31mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 160
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and in the grounds was this canoe

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Sony A7iv 75mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 500
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And just down the road a bit from it where i had parked my car for a walk, I saw this place I am thinking its a private residence, but I like the Messages they had on it, the Ukraine flag and the word Peace.

and the three blue banners on the left say

We did not inherit the earth
We borrow it from our children
Can we return it

I think thats a good way to look at it and personally believe mankind has done so much damage to the earth and its time for us all to do our bit to stop the damage and let the earth Heal for future generations

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Sony A7iii 41mm F9 1/320 Sec ISO 100
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!pinmapple 41.619467 lat -70.913685 long Cove Walk New Bedford MA d3scr

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