Underground architecture: Ulitsa Dybenko metro station


Hi friends! You may not agree with me, but I think "Ulitsa Dybenko" metro station is a very beautiful station. Lately lists like "10 most beautiful stations", "15 amazing underground interiors" and the like have become very popular. I've never seen the name of the metro station "Ulitsa Dybenko" on one of those lists. But I think the design of the underground hall is excellent. Laconicity of visual means and perfect harmony. So today we're going to spend $1 again to go down to the metro and look at the interiors of the station.



Ulitsa Dybenko station is the terminus of the Lakhtinsko-Pravoberezhnaya line. The station is located in a densely populated residential area. Buses stop near the station, ready to take residents to the nearest suburbs. Flats in the suburbs are slightly less expensive than those in the city, and many young families prefer to buy a flat with a mortgage in the suburbs.



The flow of passengers at the station is quite high. So it was a bit difficult for me to take photos. I had to wait for the next train to take people away so I could photograph the architecture and not the sea of people. Not that it was a major inconvenience. The trains go by with an interval of 2-3 minutes, so the waiting time was not long. But I had to take it into account.



Ulitsa Dybenko was one of the last stations built in the USSR. It was opened in autumn 1987. The station is decorated with mosaic panels on the theme of revolutionary struggle and creative labour. The main mosaic panel is located at the end of the hall. It shows a woman holding a rifle in one hand and an open book in the other. On the open page you can read the words: "Freedom. Peace. Fraternity. Equality. Labour."




The other walls of the hall are also decorated with natural stone mosaic panels. I really like these laconic images: just a few shades of stone, small variations in the shape of the cut, and the result is a perfect canvas of stone: a smith's hammer or sheaves of wheat.



The ground concourse of this metro station seems unremarkable to me. I purposely took the escalator up to the surface to get a few photos and to show the ground pavilion of the metro station and the perspective of the street near the station. Perhaps in a few years or decades buildings of this type will gain architectural merit in our eyes, but for now I don't admire such concrete structures.






SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

This is my entry for the #marketfriday challenge by @dswigle.

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