Good day, @MarketFriday community created by @dswigle🎆

Today's my shopping was devoted to health and beauty products.

Some of them are always in my life, some of them are new for me, but I've got many nice recommendations, so I've decided to try them too. And as far as they all are 100%natural, I'm sure I'll like them because nature can give us the best we need.

So what have I bought?

4 products, total price is about 15$

What is it?

It's Panthenol cream that is very useful for our face, body and hands.
It's safe, natural and can give our skin protection and softness.

it's mumiyo - biologically active resin-like substance flowing from the crevices of the rocks of the southern mountains; mountain oil.

There are 100s of ways how people can use it and get benefits for health. Some people use it inside, like pills, others use it for skin and hair beauty.
I've decided to try it for my face skin at first.

it's a handmade face cream made of natural ingridients

and it's Spirulina
I think there is no need to explain what it is.
From time to time I add it to my son's and my own ration to enrich it with vitamins, microelements and protein.
And I plan to use it for my skin as well;) It has multiway usage as well.

Guys, have you tried anything of this?

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