How are toilets in your country?

Hello everyone!!! Today is Friday, which means we will talk about our purchases on #MarketFriday by @dswigle! (see details here: @dswigle/market-friday-the-day-is-done).
You may be surprised by the title of this post, but I'm really asking: how are toilets in your country? In my country, finding a free toilet is not difficult at all. Here everyone understands that there is no person who would not periodically need to go to the toilet. 😀 Therefore, if there is no public toilet nearby, which is extremely rare, then you will be allowed into any institution or cafe if you ask. But of course there are paid toilets. The cost of such a toilet is very small. I would like to show you one toilet that amazed me. First, I'll show you the pointer to this toilet.

Very creative in my opinion! Let's go closer!

The female and male parts are indicated in the same creativity style. Make no mistake! 😁

Inside the toilet is all lined with wood, everything is clean and tidy.

Of course, I photographed only the female part, and even then when there was no one else in the toilet except me. I can imagine how surprised visitors would be if they saw that I go to the toilet and take pictures of toilets 😂
In another public toilet, a picture like this hung on the cubicle door.

Here, the administration asks visitors not to throw some items into the toilets. After the usual enumeration of women's hygiene items, the next thing is: please don't throw paper towels, hand phones, dreams and aspirations, goldfish, small alligators, cats. 😂😂😂😂😂
Well, I don't know who drags cats and alligators to the toilet with them. 😁😁😁
So what about toilets in your country? 😀
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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