Camping Gear or Apocalypse Survival Gear

Since COVID hit Japan camping was ramped up as an activity you could do to avoid catching it. It was almost overnight that the home centers and malls had huge camping gear displays.

I went to a large home center with my wife the other week called Cainz Home Center. Cainz is like a smaller version of Walmart & Home Depot, but combined. It's conveniently located next to Costco, which I wrote about in my last Market Friday post, so we often make a day out of going shopping there.

While going to get some DIY supplies for our gem & mineral business I saw this...

I'm always amazed at the amount of effort that goes into building these types of displays.

Without going to a full blown outdoor store, Cainz had a lot of your outdoor needs.

Coleman is the largest, most popular camping gear manufacturer in Japan.

While I didn't buy anything, it was fun to look around and imagine using many of these things one time, then putting them away in storage.

I definitely see some things that would be useful in the coming apocalypse though, especially popcorn!

Suddenly I was out of the camping display and into the Halloween display.

If you didn't know, Halloween is becoming an ever bigger holiday every year.

And with that, we finished our shopping and headed home. We only picked up our daily household needs and some stuff for our business.

Winter is coming so camping gear isn't very useful in Japan now, but as I mentioned, it could all become a necessity if world events deteriorate.

Thanks for reading!

Thank you to @dswigle for creating #MarketFriday!

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