Buying Sweet Things For A Lover

It was a pleasant day when I bought sweet things for a lover. And it was my first time being a bridge for a lovely surprise.

My cousin’s boyfriend asked me to buy a cake and flowers for their first monthsary. I have not met him yet. However, he was able to chat with me through messenger.

Without my cousin’s idea, on the day before their first months, he had sent me funds for the surprise. Here is a story of how I made their special day even more memorable. #MarketFriday by @dswigle

The first thing I did for the surprise was to look for my cousin's favorite cake. Ube cake is a Filipino cake that has a sweet and moist texture. Knowing that Ube Cake is her favorite cake, I bought it.

The Ube cake is one of the tastiest cakes in our place. I bought it from Sweet Things, and the price of the cake was 1 thousand pesos or 20 dollars.

But I did not stop there. I made the cake even more special and thoughtful by creating a personalized greeting that was meaningful to my cousin and her boyfriend. He requested it, and I felt so glad about their story.

So I wrote a special greeting on paper as a guide for the saleslady to put on the cake. The cake perfectly blends purple, white, pink, and green. It had not only a beautiful display but as well as a super delicious taste.

And then it has a sweet and unique greeting. The greeting was, “Happy Monthsary Lite Ferry Girl.” It goes that way because their love story started when they met on a passenger ship called Lite Ferry from Cebu while my cousin went home to Cagayan de Oro City.

Perhaps it was a sweet reminder of how their love story started on a passenger ship called Lite Ferry from Cebu, and it was a thoughtful gesture that added an extra surprise to the gift.

It was so timely that both of them would end up in a relationship after months of keeping in touch, although it was a long-distance relationship since her boyfriend was a seafarer.

And then after I had bought the cake, I went to a flower shop.

It was so hard for me to choose from the design of the bouquets because there were so many beautifully arranged flowers in each bunch.

I chose a bouquet that I knew my cousin would love and would complement the cake perfectly.

I just picked out the one that is close to my heart, and I bought it for 1 thousand pesos or 20 dollars.

And after I had bought everything for the surprise, I placed the cake and the flowers at the back of my car.

With the cake and flowers, I returned home to surprise my cousin. When I arrived home, my cousin was there at our house.

She had no idea what would happen when I arrived at the house late in the afternoon, and I even played a joke for the surprise and ended with a prank.

Meanwhile, I pranked her that she had an online order, and my cousin had to pay for it. She was worried because she had no extra money if there was ever an online order.

But as I brought out the cake and flowers, she was overcome with emotion and indescribable feelings. And she was amazed that she had tears of joy. I was so happy for her to meet the love of her life finally.

What made me emotional while buying was knowing that it would be the first time my cousin would receive a special gift from a loved one. She had been in a long-term relationship then, but she could not accept such donations from her boyfriend.

That is why on one of her Facebook posts, in my dialect, I commented on it, “Bre, abot nagyud ang lalaki nga nagbutang ug bili sa imung kaanyag.” The expression means that the guy who had appreciated her as a precious gem came.

And I must say that it was a thoughtful gift, and it made my cousin incredibly appreciated and loved.

Perhaps it was a fantastic day full of love in the air. The flowers and cake I bought made their first monthsary memorable, and indeed my sister in heaven is so happy for her too.

Disclaimer: All texts and pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.

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