Spending a Boat(house) Load of Cash

Who would have thunk it?

Spending a boat load of cash on a boat house! Its crazy! But a necessary evil I suppose. A wise old farmer buddy of mine summed it up once by saying: "It costs a lot of money to store your equipment indoors, and it costs a lot not to. Somehow those old farmers always have the best sayings for any situation in life. Probably comes from having spent so many years alone driving a tractor which allows a body to do a heap of thinking!


Watch your step and come on up...

Once I get down there, I guess I am going to have to do some handrails and balusters. I might just go ahead and double the width of the plank walkway. I had it drawn as six feet, but he talked me out of it. I still think wider looks better.


Well that is a good bit of decking. It would have been a lot of work taking it down piece by piece from the top of the hill of our lot. Of course the builder had them on his barge, so it was right there and ready to be used. Oh to be 20 again. I never felt tired. Could work all day and it was just fun. Being tired was a foreign concept to my brain, now working all day is lol.


I reckon this is part two of last weeks post about the boathouse. Of course fresh photos I promise. It is now totally finished. Of course I need to do a two part post to help fund this little adventure. Lumber and labor apparently is still sky high.

(A special shout out to @dswigle for making Market Friday so much fun!!)

I am stunned every single time I look at the photos my friend sends me. Those tress just look to be on fire! En fuego! Just some proper firecrackers. Look at those perfect reflections. Oh I cannot wait to get my butt and my camera down there!


The builder even got the lift and motor installed. Now I wish I had a boat to test it out!


I am not sure if a pontoon boat or a speed boat will be in the future. Each have their pros and cons. Have I really gotten to the age of considering a pontoon. Oh my younger self would be so displeased!


I am pleasantly surprised that the builder didnt dawdle, even a little bit. They pretty much just banged it out.


I am glad it seems as if the cove had room enough for me. I am just a simple guy that doesnt need much in the way of fancy things. Just a tiny boathouse is all I needed. When I get down there I plan to build a little storage place on it to store odds and ends.


As you can see from the lot my work is cut out for me. I got a bunch of clearing to do, but I hope to keep a good number of trees as it gives a nice and natural feel to the place.


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