Christmas shopping and why financial Activities increases at this season.

Hello Hive.


The season of Christmas is here again, am not sure if it is possible for us to separate Christmas and shopping.

Christmas outfit shopping

The financial activities during this time in my country is usually very high if not doubles.
It is a norm for people to buy new clothes, shoes and all and the reason is not farfetched.
Poverty looms in the country and most people can only afford a change of clothes once in a year.
And since it is festive season, all purchases of new cloth is shifted to this time so that we can look good on Christmas day.




Christmas food

Another Christmas shopping experience is the food aspect.
Maybe its an extension of love to share Christmas food with our neighbor and other people of different religion.

And in this light you can't give out a none tasty meal to your neighbors so we make sure to buy all the spices and ingredients needed to cook a healthy meal that will be presentable.

Mostly we buy chicken and beef to cook jollof rice, snacks like Chin-chin, wine and drinks.


Christmas Decoration

This is just another aspect that can take your money, every one wants a clean decorated homes to entertain visitors, except you buy the items and do the decorations yourself, it is quite expensive to hire people to clean your homes and have it painted and decorated.



Christmas travelling and homecoming

One important aspect of Christmas holidays is the homecoming in which we all look forward to reuniting with our families.

These are some of things that gets Christmas financial activities to go on a high side.

A survey of the market prices of goods and how far the inflation rate has biting into our finances can tell that this year Christmas wouldn't be so much interesting for everyone who has equated their Christmas celebration to this Worldliness alone forgetting the true meaning of christmas.

An average chicken cost $22 and a a family size price of raw rice is from $3, someone might want to cook more for a larger family.


Fish is a healthy protein but no body wants to serve fish on christmas day.


Clothes are expensive as well, you get a pair of shoe for $44 in a shopping mall and a top and jean is sold within the range of $22-30.

Most families in the country cannot afford these expenses for Christmas and it is better to accept these reality and teach your children so in a very calm manner rather than suffer an anxiety of not been able to follow the crowd.
Iron out your old cloth, bless whatever you have at table and eat this in love.

There are better days ahead and our fortunes can change to.

I wish you the best christmas in happiness light and love.

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