RE: Join the Parade! It's Market Friday!

Oh no Denise 😳 I hope you are ok…
That’s never fun, especially when it is unexpected. Take care sweetie 🤗🤗😊 sending lots of healing energy your way, and that it may heal quickly.
Try to rest… it helps too. I hope you can.

Lovely captures of your memories, I like it too when I relive it while writing the post and share my photos. Just like you.

Today I show a B&B we visited in Worcester MA… almost a year ago. Can’t believe it’s almost a year that we were in the US exploring our location. And boy… so much happened and changed.

Take care @dswigle, thinking of you.

My post today: ”Let’s stay in a Historic Colonial B&B in Worcester, Massachusetts USA” 🇺🇸 ~ MarketFriday

Big !HUG 🤗🥰🌺 and much love

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