“Market Friday” ~ Donating to the St Peter's Church, Tickencote - Rutland UK 🇬🇧 Norman ARCH.

Hi all 👋🏻

For my next post in our lovely community this Friday for the #MarketFriday by @dswigle - Denise. I will show you some photographic #impressions from when I visited this church with #Norman features ~ St Peter's Church, Tickencote - Rutland UK 🇬🇧
The main attraction was to see the NORMAN ARCH.

‼️If you want to know more about #MarketFriday’s have a look at this post about it: “To Market, to Market: By Market Friday“ from @dswigle you find also the rules what to post if you want to join us.

These photographs are taken with my #iPhone on 18 April earlier this year 2022 📱😎🤓 when we visited friends and #family in #England and I will follow the time stamps on them. So you can walk with me a little while 💃🏻💃🏻

More information about this church you can find Here in Wikipedia!

It’s location on Google maps you find by the yellow star:

Let me start with #alwaysaflower, these blossoms greeted us when we entered the church yard. It was the middle of April so #spring time… my favourite #season 🥰

We see many old graves under the #blossoms 🌸🌸🌸

Walking towards the church we see more graves in all forms. Normally I would show you cemeteries in black and white, but I think, as it was spring… let’s enjoy the colours from Mother Nature a bit 😉🥰

Here we see the side of the church… is its architecture not amazing? All those intricate details 😊🤓

Looking back towards the street before we walk further around the church to the back were the door is located.

More details.

The first thing we notice when we enter is the NORMAN ARCH 😎

WOW look at the arches… and all the details. Each face and head is different along it.

It was featured in The Sunday times, architectural guide.

It says:
”In early Norman churches of the 11th century such as Tixover and Old Shoreham there is little decorative carving, but 12th-century churches are distinguished by a profusion of ornament.
At Tickencote, Rutland the chancel opening consists of a series of six concentric arches, each of which is decorated with a different and typically Norman motif.”

Looking up we see the amazing glass stained windows with beautiful details.

Looking in the direction of the altar, we see the construction a bit more.

Looking at the back of the arch.

This church was helped by the Conservation Trust and kept well. Restored in 2019.

Stated on here:
”The exterior of the church is 18th Century, but decorated with Norman-style features and was majorly rebuilt by benefactor Lady Eliza Wingfield in 1791.

The original church was built in around 1150, which is where the main feature, the striking Norman arch with six interestingly decorated orders appears slightly distorted, due to the weight of the wall above. The wonderful chancel vaulting is also very unusual for this time period, in its great swathes of octopus-like tentacles and may be the earliest example in Britain.”

Anybody can help this TRUST by #DONATION to it, as it is for the survival of history and beautiful old architecture/ buildings for generations to come.

Their website you find Here: Visit Churches!

In every church you will find also a place were you can DONATE to help the church.

Do you donate? To a church or any other good cause?
I do once in a while… 🤓

Walking back out side, this lantern caught my eye 😎

Another angle…

Walking through the gate we see above us.

And looking back from the street. Beautiful woodwork 😎 the blossoms framing it nicely.

I walk along the wall and take these last 2 photographs. Looking into the church yard…

And now focussing on the moss on top of the wall. 🤓

With this last photo… I want to say: that’s all for today’s #MarketFriday post. Hope you enjoyed coming along with me to this old church and see it’s beautiful architectural features and see what donations can save.
Until the next one! 👋🏻😎 are you joining me again soon? 😉💃🏻

Thank you for looking and reading 😊 🙏🏻
Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great Friday all 😎
Grtz Jackie


The divider is Created by SilverFish / @ mondoshawan

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

!pinmapple 52.674313 lat -0.536937 long “Market Friday” ~ Donating to the St Peter's Church, Tickencote - Rutland UK 🇬🇧 Norman ARCH. d3scr

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