RE: Market Friday: Bermuda's Hidden Charms

Every photo tells a story. I can form some things by the shapes of those rocks at the beach. If I am on top of those rocks I can see forever and a little further? The universe then? :D :D I love the color of the water. That's just beautiful.

We also have a place here called Crystal Cave and there is a small cave there where it's name was derived from that we visited when we were kids. I haven't been to since. I was just reminded of it by the name. However, it is no near like what you have posted here. Those stalactites and stalagmites are stunning!

That black circle of the clocktower is so black, blacker than my soul lol!

Disappearing bookstores. Yes, it has happened here too. Gone were the bookshops that I used to frequent back then.

Such a lovely trip you have shared. Everything lovely and beautiful.

Here is my share for this week @leeart/wypmkiyq. Happy weekend!

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