RE: Unboxing a “LINK TO THE STARS” ~ STARLINK ~ Market Friday

Hello there! We've had Starlink for over a year now and still very happy with it vs. the limited DSL options we have here. The obstructions will definitely reduce bandwidth, interrupt downloads, and become very irritating with brief (or extended) drops during video calls (which I spend most of my day on). We got MUCH better performance and reliability when we moved it to the roof. You may consider looking into their Ridgeline or Peak non-penetrating roof mount. It's just a folding hinge that holds the dishy without having to drill any screws or holes in the roof. All it takes is hauling a few bricks up to weigh it down. It's rated for high winds, and actually stayed solid even when we had the 70mph winds that took off part of our roofing just 15 feet away from it a few weeks ago.
Here's a link and pics I did of ours.
Double thumbs up on the mount. Enjoy your new connectivity!

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